The Department is pleased to announce Physics majors Sydney Timmerman and Katherine Xiang as co-recipients of the 2020 Donald E. Kerr Memorial Award. The Kerr Award, established in 1979, acknowledges […]
News & Announcements Archive
Chris Lygouras Named Newest William Gardner Fellow
First year graduate student Chris Lygouras has been awarded the department’s 2020 Wiliam Gardner Fellowship. Lygouras is researching quantum materials with the Institute for Quantum Matter under the supervision of […]
Kirsten Hall Named Schmidt Science Fellow
Graduate student Kirsten Hall, who is working on her PhD with Professors Toby Marriage and Nadia Zakamska, has been named one of the “22 early-career scientists who comprise the third […]
Turner Woody Receives Goldwater Scholarship
Junior physics major Turner Woody has been awarded a Goldwater Scholarship. Turner’s goal is to pursue a PhD studying the chemistry and kinematics of stars in our galaxy. His faculty […]
Three Department Members Receive National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowships
Seniors Katherine Xiang and Sydney Timmerman, and graduate student Gabriela Sato-Polito, are recipients of National Science Foundation graduate fellowships. Gabriela is working with Prof. Kamionkowski on the intersection between theoretical […]
David Jones Receives NASA Einstein Fellowship
One of the most prestigious NASA postdoctoral fellowships this year, the Einstein Fellowship, has been awarded to David Jones, who recently earned his PhD from the department with Adam Riess […]
25th Anniversary of Astro-2
March 2 – 20, 2020, marks the 25th anniversary of the Astro-2 space shuttle mission (STS-67) that carried research scientist Sam Durrance and the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope (HUT) into low-earth […]
Marc Kamionkowski, Adam Riess, Joseph Silk & Rosemary Wyse Become AAS Fellows
The American Astronomical Society (AAS) has announced a new accolade: Fellow of the AAS, and four department members are part of the inaugural class. Professors Marc Kamionkowski, Adam Riess, Joseph […]
Yi Li, Tyrel McQueen, and Brice Ménard Participate in Faculty Open Doors Event
Professors Yi Li, Tyrel McQueen, and Brice Ménard participated in the new Faculty Open Doors program on Friday in which the three professors each welcomed other faculty from across the […]
Spring 2020 Department-wide Colloquium Series Kicks Off
The first of seven department-wide colloquia begins today at 3:30 in Schafler Auditorium when Aleksander Madry of Massachusetts Institute of Technology presents “Are All Features Created Equal?”