Requirements for a Minor in Physics

A student may earn a minor in physics by completing one of the introductory physics sequences (171.101-102, 171.103-104, or 171.105-106 and associated lab), Contemporary Physics Seminar 172.203, and four courses offered by the department at the 200 level or above (at least 3 credits each). It is recommended that these courses include 171.201 and 171.312 or 171.309-310.

Requirements for a Minor in Space Science and Engineering

Students seeking a minor in space science and engineering take five courses: Introduction to Space Science and Technology 171.321, plus four additional courses that are chosen by the student and approved by an adviser. Students are required to submit a proposal and course plan to their adviser early in their program, prior to taking the courses. The minor in space science and engineering also carries an internship (or equivalent experience) requirement.

In the proposal and course plan, the student identifies a theme that describes the educational goal s/he will pursue through his or her course of study, and a list of proposed courses. The theme must unite the individual elements of the program (courses and internship) into an intellectual whole.

Courses that are requirements for the student’s major may not be used, but courses that satisfy an elective requirement for the major may be used.

For a complete list of requirements, view the Student Handbook for the Minor in Space Science and Engineering.