Department-wide colloquium, Bearden lecture: Liang Wu (Penn)
Bloomberg 272 - Schafler AuditoriumBearden lecture, TITLE: to be announced, ABSTRACT: to be announced
Bearden lecture, TITLE: to be announced, ABSTRACT: to be announced
Deaglan Bartlett (IAP, Paris -> Oxford): "Accelerating Cosmological Modelling with Symbolic Regression" Niall Jeffrey (University College, London): "Decoding dark energy with AI: from DES to the Euclid Era”
TITLE: to be announced soon, ABSTRACT: to be announced soon
Host: Jazzmin Victorin Condensed matter & biological physics seminar: Devine Kumah (Duke)
Title: Polymer models for the prediction of 3D structure and transcription in human chromatin, Talk abstract: Transcription is a fundamental cellular process, and the first step of gene expression. In […]
Hosted by JHU Gender Minorities & Women in Physics (G-WiP), TITLE: To be announced soon
Haim Beidenkopf (Weizmann Institute) condensed matter and biological physics seminar. Host: Peter Armitage
Condensed Mater & Biological Physics Seminar: Shenshen Wang (UCLA) Host: Brian Camley
Galaxy Clusters As Dark Matter Laboratories Benedikt Diemer (UMD) JHU/STScI joint colloquium
TITLE: to be announced soon, ABSTRACT: to be announced soon
TITLE: Looking for Fossils of the Big Bang 2025 Ferdinand G. Brickwedde Lecture in Physics
Host: Natalia Drichko Condensed matter and biological physics seminar: Matteo Mitrano (Harvard University)