JHU/STScI joint colloquium: Anne Jaskot (Williams College)
STScI John Bahcall AuditoriumHow to Reionize the Universe: Lessons from Low RedshiftAnne Jaskot (Williams College)
How to Reionize the Universe: Lessons from Low RedshiftAnne Jaskot (Williams College)
TITLE: To be announced soon, ABSTRACT: To be announced soon
Condensed matter & biological physics seminar: Emilia Morosan (Rice University) Host: Tyrel McQueen
The Discovery of the Multiply-imaged Standard Candle "SN H0pe" as a part of the JWST GTO PEARLS Program
TITLE: to be announced soon, ABSTRACT: to be announced soon
Title: Local Probes of Spin Excitations in Quantum Matter, Abstract: Major scientific discoveries are often enabled by new measurement capabilities that provide novel perspectives into complex physical problems. Recent advances […]
IQM seminar: Gabriel Aeppli (ETH Zurich), Title to be announced soon.
Host: Jun Zhang Condensed matter and biological physics seminar: William Jacobs (Princeton University)
Star Cluster Formation, Binary Stars, and Multiple Populations: Missing Links
All members of the department are invited and encouraged to attend. The purpose of the meeting will be to make some announcements and to provide information and updates on various […]
TITLE: Microgels: Heroes or Villains in Soft Matter Science? ABSTRACT: to be announced Host: Bob Leheny
Witnessing the Formation of Planetary Systems Richard Teague (MIT) JHU/STScI joint colloquium