JHU/STScI joint colloquium: Nestor Espinoza (STScI)
STScI John Bahcall AuditoriumExoplanet Atmospheres Revealed: Insights from JWST ObservationsNestor Espinoza (STScI)
Exoplanet Atmospheres Revealed: Insights from JWST ObservationsNestor Espinoza (STScI)
His work has spanned several areas of AMO physics, including trapped ions, Rydberg atoms, ultracold polyatomic molecules, quantum information, and precision searches for new physics with AMO systems.
Title: From quantum information to black holes and cosmology, Abstract: Black holes have not just become laboratories for astronomers, but also present some of the deepest unsolved problems in theoretical physics. […]
Exoplanet Atmospheres in the Next Decade Mercedes López -Morales (STScI)
TITLE: A Physicist Following Faraday's Hint in the Search for Quantum Gravity, ABSTRACT: Faraday's discovery of electromagnetic induction occurred due to his inference that magnetic fields about wires must be as […]
TITLE: to be announced soon, ABSTRACT: to be announced soon
Title: Cauchy-characteristic matching, Abstract: Cauchy-characteristic matching is a novel numerical-relativity technique that enables the evolution of Einstein’s equations on an effectively infinite computational domain. In this talk, I will present our […]
Mapping out the Dark Matter in the Milky Way Lina Necib (MIT)
Title: Ultracold Molecules: From Quantum Chemistry to Quantum Computing, Abstract: At ultracold temperatures, we can prepare reactants in well-defined quantum states. Doing so allows us to study the quantum dynamics […]
Title: New Photo-galvanic effects, Abstract: The conventional device to convert light to electrical current uses two different kinds of doped silicon merged together known as pn junction or heterostructures. The […]
Deaglan Bartlett (IAP, Paris -> Oxford): "Accelerating Cosmological Modelling with Symbolic Regression" Niall Jeffrey (University College, London): "Decoding dark energy with AI: from DES to the Euclid Era”
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