Department-wide colloquium, Brickwedde lecture: Eric Cornell (JILA)
Bloomberg 272 - Schafler AuditoriumTITLE: Looking for Fossils of the Big Bang 2025 Ferdinand G. Brickwedde Lecture in Physics
TITLE: Looking for Fossils of the Big Bang 2025 Ferdinand G. Brickwedde Lecture in Physics
Host: Natalia Drichko Condensed matter and biological physics seminar: Matteo Mitrano (Harvard University)
How to Reionize the Universe: Lessons from Low RedshiftAnne Jaskot (Williams College)
TITLE: To be announced soon, ABSTRACT: To be announced soon
Gender minorities and women in physics tea & cookies. More information about Gender minorities and women in physics.
Black (hole) Coffee is a space for students, postdocs, and professors to discuss cutting-edge research on all things black holes, spanning both observations and theory.
Condensed matter & biological physics seminar: Emilia Morosan (Rice University) Host: Tyrel McQueen
The Discovery of the Multiply-imaged Standard Candle "SN H0pe" as a part of the JWST GTO PEARLS Program
TITLE: to be announced soon, ABSTRACT: to be announced soon
Title: Local Probes of Spin Excitations in Quantum Matter, Abstract: Major scientific discoveries are often enabled by new measurement capabilities that provide novel perspectives into complex physical problems. Recent advances […]
Black (hole) Coffee is a space for students, postdocs, and professors to discuss cutting-edge research on all things black holes, spanning both observations and theory.
IQM seminar: Gabriel Aeppli (ETH Zurich), Title to be announced soon.