JHU/STScI joint colloquium: Mercedes López-Morales (STScI)
STScI John Bahcall AuditoriumExoplanet Atmospheres in the Next Decade Mercedes López -Morales (STScI)
Exoplanet Atmospheres in the Next Decade Mercedes López -Morales (STScI)
TITLE: A Physicist Following Faraday's Hint in the Search for Quantum Gravity, ABSTRACT: Faraday's discovery of electromagnetic induction occurred due to his inference that magnetic fields about wires must be as […]
TITLE: to be announced soon, ABSTRACT: to be announced soon
Title: Cauchy-characteristic matching, Abstract: Cauchy-characteristic matching is a novel numerical-relativity technique that enables the evolution of Einstein’s equations on an effectively infinite computational domain. In this talk, I will present our […]
Mapping out the Dark Matter in the Milky Way Lina Necib (MIT)
Title: Ultracold Molecules: From Quantum Chemistry to Quantum Computing, Abstract: At ultracold temperatures, we can prepare reactants in well-defined quantum states. Doing so allows us to study the quantum dynamics […]
Title: New Photo-galvanic effects, Abstract: The conventional device to convert light to electrical current uses two different kinds of doped silicon merged together known as pn junction or heterostructures. The […]
Deaglan Bartlett (IAP, Paris -> Oxford): "Accelerating Cosmological Modelling with Symbolic Regression" Niall Jeffrey (University College, London): "Decoding dark energy with AI: from DES to the Euclid Era”
Gender minorities and women in physics tea & cookies. More information about Gender minorities and women in physics.
Black (hole) Coffee is a space for students, postdocs, and professors to discuss cutting-edge research on all things black holes, spanning both observations and theory.
TITLE: to be announced soon, ABSTRACT: to be announced soon
Title: Where is tree-level string theory? Abstract: Tree-level string theory extends Einstein gravity by an infinite set of massive higher spin particles. From a purely spacetime perspective (if we didn’t know about […]