STScI/JHU Galaxy Journal Club Meeting
STScI CafeConWe meet every Tuesday at 1pm, Eastern time, in the CafeCon (the conference room next to the STScI cafeteria), and also remotely using BlueJeans. We start with a talk by […]
We meet every Tuesday at 1pm, Eastern time, in the CafeCon (the conference room next to the STScI cafeteria), and also remotely using BlueJeans. We start with a talk by […]
David Nidever (Montana State University) "The Prevalence and Origin of the Alpha-Bimodality in the Local Group"
15-20 min long talks on astronomy-related papers, projects, ideas. Enjoy both Astronomy and Coffee (please bring your own mugs). If you have new results, ideas or want to discuss an interesting paper from arXiv, […]
Speaker: Aidan Herderschee Title: Three Point Amplitudes and Emergent Symmetries in Matrix Theory Date and time: Friday March 8, 11am - 12pm Room: Bloomberg 447 Abstract: The Banks-Fischler-Shenker-Susskind (BFSS) theory is […]
15-20 min long talks on astronomy-related papers, projects, ideas. Enjoy both Astronomy and Coffee (please bring your own mugs). If you have new results, ideas or want to discuss an interesting paper from arXiv, […]
Informal science discussions and coffee, open to the entire department.
We meet every Tuesday at 1pm, Eastern time, in the CafeCon (the conference room next to the STScI cafeteria), and also remotely using BlueJeans. We start with a talk by […]
Host: Yaojun Zhang
15-20 min long talks on astronomy-related papers, projects, ideas. Enjoy both Astronomy and Coffee (please bring your own mugs). If you have new results, ideas or want to discuss an interesting paper from arXiv, […]
Special Condensed Matter Physics Seminar: Felix Schilberth March 14, 2024 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM Bloomberg 337
Department-wide Colloquium Reserved for Open House Speaker: Surjeet Rajendran Title: "Opening Up the Gravitational Wave Spectrum" Abstract: The historic discovery of gravitational waves by LIGO has initiated a new era […]
High Energy Physics Theory Seminar: Avia Raviv-Moshe Bloomberg 447 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM