CAS Wine & Cheese Seminar: Michael Niemack (Cornell)
Bloomberg 462Talk titles will be available on the CAS wiki page.
Talk titles will be available on the CAS wiki page.
Title: Quantum near extremal black holes and anomalies Abstract: The Bekenstein–Hawking formula gives a coarse-grained count of the number of microstates of a black hole, and it is remarkable that it may […]
Condensed Matter & Biological Physics Seminar: Salem Al Mosleh (University of Maryland Eastern Shore) Host: Brian Camley
* Lunch at noon TITLE: Testing Gravity at ever shorter scale: a trip into exotic experimental physics ABSTRACT: Since the times of Henry Cavendish and John Mitchell, the strength of […]
Title: The Open Access Era of Exoplanet Characterization at the Onset of Next-Generation Telescopes
Hosted by JHU Gender Minorities & Women in Physics (G-WiP), TITLE: A new vision for the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian ABSTRACT: I will present the latest discoveries and […]
Title: Fundamental Physics and Cosmology from Stellar Mass Binary Black Holes Abstract:The first three observing runs of the LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA gravitational wave detectors produced a wealth of "firsts," […]
Title: How Much Do We Understand About Early Galaxy Formation? Abstract: The “Cosmic Dawn” of galaxy formation is one of the frontiers of modern astronomy. In the past two years, […]
TITLE: Memory and Plasticity in Amorphous Solids ABSTRACT: While we are all familiar with retaining information in a computer or our minds, memory is an essential quality of many more […]
Title: Knowing Stars, Knowing Planets: Unlocking JWST Exploration of Exoplanet Atmospheres through New Stellar Insights
TITLE: The Impossible Man: Roger Penrose and the Cost of Genius, ABSTRACT: Patchen Barss will discuss his new biography of Roger Penrose, in conversation with Sean Carroll (JHU)
Title: Aspects of symmetry and gravity, Abstract: I will review the core questions in quantum field theory and gravity for the research in my group. I will also describe recent developments […]