JHU/STScI Joint Colloquium: Marla Geha (Yale)
STScI John Bahcall AuditoriumThe SAGA Survey: A Census of 101 Satellite Systems around Milky Way-like Galaxies
The SAGA Survey: A Census of 101 Satellite Systems around Milky Way-like Galaxies
Title: The Formation of Galaxies and Supermassive Black Holes in the First Billion Years
Title: Exploring Cosmic Acceleration: Insights from DESI 2024 JHU/STScI Joint Colloquium: Hee-Jong Seo (Ohio University)
Machine Learning the Evolution of Gas from Clouds to Stars
Title: The Open Access Era of Exoplanet Characterization at the Onset of Next-Generation Telescopes
Title: Knowing Stars, Knowing Planets: Unlocking JWST Exploration of Exoplanet Atmospheres through New Stellar Insights
Title: New Views of Cool Atmosphere Physics and Chemistry from JWST
The Lives and Deaths of Star Clusters, and the Black Holes They Make Along the Way
New Space Telescope Science Institute postdocs will present introductory talks.
Exoplanet Atmospheres Revealed: Insights from JWST ObservationsNestor Espinoza (STScI)
Title to be announced soon, Mercedes López-Morales (STScI) JHU/STScI joint colloquium
Mapping out the Dark Matter in the Milky Way Line Necib (MIT)