JHU/STScI joint colloquium: Carl Rodriguez (UNC-Chapel Hill)
STScI John Bahcall AuditoriumThe Lives and Deaths of Star Clusters, and the Black Holes They Make Along the Way
The Lives and Deaths of Star Clusters, and the Black Holes They Make Along the Way
New Space Telescope Science Institute postdocs will present introductory talks.
Exoplanet Atmospheres Revealed: Insights from JWST ObservationsNestor Espinoza (STScI)
Exoplanet Atmospheres in the Next Decade Mercedes López -Morales (STScI)
Mapping out the Dark Matter in the Milky Way Lina Necib (MIT)
Galaxy Clusters As Dark Matter Laboratories Benedikt Diemer (UMD) JHU/STScI joint colloquium
How to Reionize the Universe: Lessons from Low RedshiftAnne Jaskot (Williams College)
The Discovery of the Multiply-imaged Standard Candle "SN H0pe" as a part of the JWST GTO PEARLS Program
Star Cluster Formation, Binary Stars, and Multiple Populations: Missing Links
Witnessing the Formation of Planetary Systems Richard Teague (MIT) JHU/STScI joint colloquium
Observing the Circum(sub)stellar Environments of Low-mass Stars, Brown Dwarfs, and Planets Title to be announced soon,
The Mysterious Nature of Little Red Dots Guillermo Barro (University of the Pacific)