Special Astrophysics Seminar: Mudit Garg (Zurich University)

Bloomberg 447

TITLE: Decoding Astrophysics from inspiraling LISA Massive Black Hole Binaries ABSTRACT: Our current understanding is that an environment – mainly consisting of gas, stars, or a third massive black hole (MBH) – is required to bring MBH binaries (MBHBs) with total mass ∼ MSun to near-merger from parsec separation. The final inspiral is driven by […]

High energy physics theory seminar: Wenzer Qin (NYU)

Bloomberg 447

TITLE: CMB limits on decaying dark matter: going beyond the ionization threshold ABSTRACT: The temperature and polarization anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) have been used to set constraints on decaying dark matter models down to keV masses. In this talk, I will discuss recent work to extend these limits down into the sub-keV […]

Department-wide colloquium, Bearden Lecture: Boris Ivanov (Institute of Magnetism)

Bloomberg 272 - Schafler Auditorium

TITLE: Mechanics of Domain Walls ABSTRACT: Domain walls, narrow regions separating domains of uniform magnetization, have a long history in the field of magnetism. As topological solitons, they present interest from the perspective of basic science and technological applications such as magnetic memory. Domain walls can be driven at speeds up to several kilometers per […]

High energy physics theory seminar: Scott Hughes

Bloomberg 447

Title: Binary black hole waveforms in the small mass ratio limit Abstract: Current gravitational-wave detectors are being upgraded, and plans are developing for future detectors with greater sensitivity over broader frequency bands.  As instruments improve and develop, more cycles of sources’ gravitational waveforms will be measured with greater signal to noise ratio.  Such higher fidelity […]

Condensed Matter & Biological Physics Seminar: Zhen Bi (Penn State University)

Bloomberg 462

TITLE: Quantum Many-Body Topology in Mixed States ABSTRACT: The classification of gapped quantum phases in pure states has seen significant progress over the past decades, particularly with the identification of symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phases. While much has been understood about these phases in ideal, isolated systems at zero temperature, their behavior under non-ideal conditions—such as […]

Experimental Particle Physics Seminar: Danielle Norcini (JHU)

Bloomberg 475

TITLE: The search for light dark matter with DAMIC-M ABSTRACT: The DAMIC-M (DArk Matter In CCDs at Modane) experiment will use skipper CCDs to search for low mass (sub-GeV) dark matter underground at the Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane (LSM). With about 1kg of silicon target mass and sub-electron energy resolution, the detector will surpass the […]