Ned Wingreen (Princeton University)
Bloomberg 462Host: Yaojun Zhang
Host: Yaojun Zhang
Special Condensed Matter Physics Seminar: Felix Schilberth March 14, 2024 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM Bloomberg 337
Department-wide Colloquium Reserved for Open House Speaker: Surjeet Rajendran Title: "Opening Up the Gravitational Wave Spectrum" Abstract: The historic discovery of gravitational waves by LIGO has initiated a new era of astronomy, permitting us to observe the universe through new eyes. LIGO is sensitive to gravitational waves at frequencies above 40 Hz. Much like the […]
High Energy Physics Theory Seminar: Avia Raviv-Moshe Bloomberg 447 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
We meet every Tuesday at 1pm, Eastern time, in the CafeCon (the conference room next to the STScI cafeteria), and also remotely using BlueJeans. We start with a talk by guest speaker for ~30 minutes, followed by paper discussion. Vote for what papers you want discussed on Benty-Fields. Sign up for e-mails by sending a […]
Informal science discussions and coffee, open to the entire department.
Yaswant Devarakonda (AAS) Astronomy Advocacy: Guiding the Future of the Field
Theoretical principles of viral capsid self-organization and genome packaging Single-stranded (ss) RNA viruses, which impact humans, animals, and plants, constitute the largest and most widespread genetic class of viruses. During the replication process, hundreds or even thousands of proteins assemble to form the viral shell (capsid), enclosing the genetic material. Using continuum elasticity theory, we […]
Lensing of Gravitational Waves: New Opportunities for Fundamental Physics Just like light, gravitational waves (GWs) are deflected and magnified by massive objects in the Universe, a phenomenon known as gravitational lensing. In addition, their low frequency, phase coherence and lack of absorption make GWs complementary to lensed electromagnetic sources. Hence, in addition to well known […]
Informal science discussions and coffee, open to the entire department.
We meet every Tuesday at 1pm, Eastern time, in the CafeCon (the conference room next to the STScI cafeteria), and also remotely using BlueJeans. We start with a talk by guest speaker for ~30 minutes, followed by paper discussion. Vote for what papers you want discussed on Benty-Fields. Sign up for e-mails by sending a […]