High energy physics theory seminar: Naritaka Oshita

Bloomberg 462

Title: Universality in a black hole ringing: excitation factors and greybody factors, Abstract: The ringdown gravitational waves emitted by a ringing black hole areimportant for testing strong gravity physics. However, achievingprecise detection requires not only advances in observationaltechniques but also a deeper theoretical understanding of ringdown orquasinormal-mode (QNM) excitation. In this talk, I will explain theuniversality […]

Condensed matter & biological physics seminar:  Liang Wu (U Penn)

Bloomberg 462

Scanning time-resolved optical studies on Kagome superconductors The kagome lattice provides a fascinating playground to study geometrical frustration, topology and strong correlations. The newly discovered kagome metals AV3Sb5 (A = K, Rb, Cs) exhibit exotic phases including charge density waves (CDWs) and superconductivity. In our study, we perform scanning birefringence and circular dichroism (CD) microscopy on CsV3Sb5. The scanning […]

Astrophysics Seminar: J. Richard Bond (University of Toronto)

Bloomberg 462

von Neumann of (thermal) quantum entropy fame purportedly responded to Shannon asking what his novel classical information content measure should be called: paraphrasing, entropy, nobody understands it anyway. Nowadays thermal entropy, gravitational entropy and information entropy have merged as ideas, and expanded to encompass phase info as well as counting info, into quantum information aka […]

Department-wide colloquium: Jennifer Lotz (STScI)

Bloomberg 272 - Schafler Auditorium

TITLE: The Legacies of Hubble, Webb,  and future NASA astrophysics flagship missions ABSTRACT: For the past four decades, the Space Telescope Science Institute has served as the bridge between NASA's flagship astrophysics missions and the scientific community through its role as the science operations center for Hubble, Webb, and Roman.   The Hubble Space Telescope is […]

Condensed matter & biological physics seminar: Moussa Ngom (RPI)

Bloomberg 462

TITLE: Optics with a Twist for Material Characterization ABSTRACT: Optical wavefront shaping (WFS) involves the ability to manipulate light fields both spatially and temporally. It has largely been enabled by the availability of spatial light modulators (SLM). SLMs are used to create arbitrarily complex light fields and also provide means to manipulate the funda- mental […]

Broad theory seminar: Ibou Bah (JHU)

Bloomberg 462

Abstract:  I will review the core questions in quantum field theory and gravity for the research in my group.  I will also describe recent developments in the study of symmetry of quantum systems and their potential implications for gravity.  We are starting a new seminar series with the working title Broad Theory Seminar. Its goal is […]

AMO seminar: Kia Boon Ng (TRIUMF)

Bloomberg 462

Title:  Zooming in on Nature’s secrets with EDMs in molecular ions, Abstract: The Standard Model of particle physics is one of the most successful models of the universe, yet it is known to be incomplete. Substantial efforts on the theoretical front introduce new physics through extensions of the Standard Model. Advances in quantum control of […]

High energy physics theory seminar: Aidan Herderschee (Princeton IAS)

Bloomberg 462

Title: Black holes in space and the "lab": from theory to practice Abstract: This talk focuses on recent theoretical developments in black holes and gravity using techniques from quantum field theory. I will begin by demonstrating how perturbative quantum field theory can be employed to compute the gravitational waveforms generated by astrophysical black holes. Next, I will […]