High energy physics theory seminar: Scott Hughes

Bloomberg 447

Title: Binary black hole waveforms in the small mass ratio limit Abstract: Current gravitational-wave detectors are being upgraded, and plans are developing for future detectors with greater sensitivity over broader frequency bands.  As instruments improve and develop, more cycles of sources’ gravitational waveforms will be measured with greater signal to noise ratio.  Such higher fidelity […]

Condensed Matter & Biological Physics Seminar: Zhen Bi (Penn State University)

Bloomberg 462

TITLE: Quantum Many-Body Topology in Mixed States ABSTRACT: The classification of gapped quantum phases in pure states has seen significant progress over the past decades, particularly with the identification of symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phases. While much has been understood about these phases in ideal, isolated systems at zero temperature, their behavior under non-ideal conditions—such as […]

Experimental Particle Physics Seminar: Danielle Norcini (JHU)

Bloomberg 475

TITLE: The search for light dark matter with DAMIC-M ABSTRACT: The DAMIC-M (DArk Matter In CCDs at Modane) experiment will use skipper CCDs to search for low mass (sub-GeV) dark matter underground at the Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane (LSM). With about 1kg of silicon target mass and sub-electron energy resolution, the detector will surpass the […]

Department-wide Climate Survey Follow-up

Bloomberg 272 - Schafler Auditorium

Thank you to everyone who participated this past spring in the climate survey conducted by the department’s Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) in conjunction with JHU’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion. The CDI is very grateful for the valuable assistance that Christina Turner, Senior Diversity Strategist in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, provided […]

High energy physics theory seminar: Jamie Holder

Bloomberg 475

TITLE: Studying the Extreme Universe with Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes, ABSTRACT: The night sky is filled with flashes of blue "Cherenkov" light, which last for just a few billionths of a second. Invisible to our eyes, these flashes result from particle cascades in the Earth's atmosphere triggered by the arrival of a high energy cosmic […]

Condensed Matter & Biological Physics Seminar: Gregory S. Boebinger (Florida State University)

Bloomberg 462

TITLE: Exploring Weird Quasiparticles at the Heart of Quantum Matter (often using Extreme Magnetic Fields) ABSTRACT:  Materials science has provided technologies to advance humanity through the millenia. In the wide range of modern materials grouped under the heading of “Quantum Matter”, electron charges and electron spins conspire in weird and collective ways to create new […]

Joint JHU-UMD Particle Physics seminar: Vladimir Shiltsev (Northern Illinois University)

on UMD campus

TITLE: Particle Accelerators: Pushing the Frontiers of Physics ABSTRACT: Over the past three decades, the science of beams has evolved into a distinct discipline with its own subjects and methods. Some 30,000 accelerators are in operation worldwide today, including over 100 of major facilities for fundamental science research.  Around 5,000 accelerator scientists and engineers work […]

Department-wide colloquium: Michael Murrell (Yale)

Bloomberg 272 - Schafler Auditorium

TITLE: Energetic optimization during cell division ABSTRACT: Living systems are driven far from thermodynamic equilibrium through the continuous consumption of ambient energy. This energy is invested in the formation of complex, internal macromolecular structures and diverse spatial and temporal patterns in chemical and mechanical activities, which in turn orchestrate cell phenotypes and behaviors. This self-organization […]

Special seminar: Abhishek Hegade Kumbale Raveesha (UIUC)

Bloomberg 447

Title: Modeling tidal dissipation in neutron star binary systems  Abstract: Tidal interactions in binary neutron star systems allow us to extract information about the equation of state inside a neutron star from gravitational wave observations. In this talk, we discuss how one could potentially probe out-of-equilibrium effects inside a neutron star by modeling the effects of […]

High energy physics theory seminar: Alexander J. Millar

Bloomberg 462

TITLE: Revisiting the axion-electron coupling  ABSTRACT: In the presence of axion dark matter, fermion spins experience an “axion wind” torque and an “axioelectric” force. We investigate new experimental probes of these effects and find that magnetized analogs of multilayer dielectric haloscopes can explore orders of magnitude of new parameter space for the axion-electron coupling. We also […]

Condensed Matter & Biological Physics Seminar: Debanjan Chowdhury (Cornell University)

Bloomberg 462

Title: The unreasonable effectiveness of optical sum-rules in quantum many-body physics   Abstract: Inspired by the discovery of a variety of correlated insulators in the moire universe, controlled by interactions projected to a set of isolated bands with a narrow bandwidth, we examine here a variety of partial optical sum-rules restricted to low-energies. Unlike standard […]