Special Condensed Matter & Biological Seminar: Gabriel Aeppli (ETH Zurich)
Bloomberg 462Special condensed matter and biological physics seminar on Monday April 14 at noon-1 in room 462 by Professor Gabriel Aeppli of ETH Zurich
Special condensed matter and biological physics seminar on Monday April 14 at noon-1 in room 462 by Professor Gabriel Aeppli of ETH Zurich
Host: Jun Zhang Condensed matter and biological physics seminar: William Jacobs (Princeton University)
Star Cluster Formation, Binary Stars, and Multiple Populations: Missing Links
All members of the department are invited and encouraged to attend. The purpose of the meeting will be to make some announcements and to provide information and updates on various […]
Gender minorities and women in physics tea & cookies. More information about Gender minorities and women in physics.
Black (hole) Coffee is a space for students, postdocs, and professors to discuss cutting-edge research on all things black holes, spanning both observations and theory.
ML x Astro/Cosmo meetings are geared towards discussing new methods/ideas at the intersection of machine learning and astrophysics/cosmology.
TITLE: Microgels: Heroes or Villains in Soft Matter Science? ABSTRACT: to be announced Host: Bob Leheny
Witnessing the Formation of Planetary Systems Richard Teague (MIT) JHU/STScI joint colloquium
TITLE: to be announced soon, ABSTRACT: to be announced soon
Black (hole) Coffee is a space for students, postdocs, and professors to discuss cutting-edge research on all things black holes, spanning both observations and theory.
After a hiatus of several years, the William H. Miller III Department of Physics & Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University is excited to announce the revival of the Physics Fair! […]