Liang Wu (U Penn) “Novel nonlinear optical response in PT-invariant antiferromagnets”
Bloomberg 462Liang Wu (U Penn) "Novel nonlinear optical response in PT-invariant antiferromagnets"
Liang Wu (U Penn) "Novel nonlinear optical response in PT-invariant antiferromagnets"
We are fortunate to have Benjamin Wandelt from Sorbonne University visiting to present a special seminar on "AI-assisted discovery in cosmological physics." Professor Benjamin D. Wandelt obtained a Ph.D. in astrophysics from Imperial College, London. After research positions at the Niels Bohr Institute and Princeton University, and tenure at Illinois, he is now a Professor at […]
Department-wide colloquium Speaker: Alex Lupsasca (Vanderbilt) Title: "The Black Hole Photon Ring" Abstract: What does a black hole look like? The first images of the supermassive black hole M87* display a bright ring encircling the event horizon, which appears as a dark patch in its surrounding emission. But Einstein's theory of general relativity predicts that within this […]
Christina Lindberg (JHU) "Dust around massive stars is agnostic to galactic environment: New insights from PHAT/BEAST”
15-20 min long talks on astronomy-related papers, projects, ideas. Enjoy both Astronomy and Coffee (please bring your own mugs). If you have new results, ideas or want to discuss an interesting paper from arXiv, we encourage you to present. Spring 2024 schedule