William D. Ratcliff (NIST)

Bloomberg 462

Speaker: William D. Ratcliff of NIST Title:  "Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Neutron Scattering” Abstract:  Neutron scattering is a versatile technique for studying the structure and dynamics of materials. Unfortunately, there are a limited number of neutron sources available in the world to perform scientific experiments. In this talk, I will discuss the use of […]

Experimental HEP seminar – Raghav Kansal, UCSD

Bloomberg 475

Title: Generative transformers and how to evaluate them Abstract: With the increase in luminosity and detector granularity, simulation will be a significant computational challenge in the upcoming high-luminosity era of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). To tackle this, I present developments in graph- and attention-based machine learning (ML) models for generating jets at the LHC using […]

Event Series AstroCoffee Seminar Series

AstroCoffee Talk

Bloomberg 5th floor lounge

15-20 min long talks on astronomy-related papers, projects, ideas. Enjoy both Astronomy and Coffee (please bring your own mugs). If you have new results, ideas or want to discuss an interesting paper from arXiv, we encourage you to present. Spring 2024 schedule

Event Series Department-wide Colloquium Series

Stephen Taylor (Vanderbilt) “The Road Ahead For Nanohertz-frequency Gravitational-wave Astrophysics”

Bloomberg 272 - Schafler Auditorium

Department-wide colloquium Speaker: Stephen Taylor (Vanderbilt) Title: The Road Ahead For Nanohertz-frequency Gravitational-wave Astrophysics Abstract:  The landscape of gravitational-wave astrophysics was recently broadened to encompass the nanohertz-frequency band, where NANOGrav and other pulsar-timing arrays found the tell-tale signature of a stochastic all-sky background of gravitational waves. With this evidence came spectral information that yields insights […]