Tine Curk (JHU Materials Science & Engineering) “Investigating charge-structure coupling in soft materials for information processing and actuation”

Bloomberg 462

Investigating charge-structure coupling in soft materials for information processing and actuation. We will discuss the thermodynamics of information, compare the efficiency of different information processing architectures (CPU vs. brain), and explore the rich physics when electrostatics, elasticity, and hydrodynamics are coupled on the nanoscale. This will be illustrated by charge-regulation in polymers, DNA packing in […]

Petar Maksimovic (JHU) “Machine Learning in Collider Physics — challenges and opportunities”

Bloomberg 475

Speaker: Petar Maksimovic (JHU) Title: Machine Learning in Collider Physics -- challenges and opportunities Abstract: High Energy Physics -- and Collider Physics in particular -- have been at the forefront of adopting Machine Learning (ML) in data analysis.  The high complexity of collider events, the lack of computational predictability of QCD, and the high rate of collisions […]