Experimental HEP Seminar: Kai Yi (Nanjing Normal University)

Bloomberg 475

Title: New Structures in the J/psi J/psi Mass Spectrum at CMS Abstract: The speaker will discuss the new structures reported by the CMS collaboration recently. Three structures are found in the J/psi J/psi mass spectrum in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV, and a model with quantum interference among these structures provides a good description of […]

Event Series Department-wide Colloquium Series

Department-wide Colloquium: Alexandra Zidovska (NYU)

Bloomberg 272 - Schafler Auditorium

Interphase Chromatin Undergoes a Local Sol-Gel Transition Upon Cell Differentiation Cell differentiation, the process by which stem cells become specialized cells, is associated with chromatin reorganization inside the cell nucleus. Here, we measure the chromatin distribution and dynamics in embryonic stem cells in vivo before and after differentiation. We find that undifferentiated chromatin is less compact, more […]

Allen Scheie – Special Condensed Matter Seminar

Bloomberg 462

Special Condensed Matter Seminar Speaker: Allen Scheie Title: "The old and the new: Probing elemental gadolinium and quantum entanglement with neutron scattering" Abstract: Doing experiments on quantum materials often not nearly as hard as interpreting those experiments. In this talk I discuss two projects where neutron scattering data was analyzed in a new way to […]

High Energy Physics Theory Seminar: Adrienne Erickcek (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

Bloomberg 462

Title: Beyond LCDM: New constraints on new components Abstract: Are dark matter and dark energy the only cosmological constituents that lie beyond the Standard Model?  It has been suggested that dark matter and dark energy are parts of a more extensive hidden sector that includes additional particles and fields. Since there are no direct observational […]

Event Series Department-wide Colloquium Series

Department-wide Colloquium: Jane Kondev (Brandeis)

Bloomberg 272 - Schafler Auditorium

Emergence of size in living cells The emergence of macroscopic phenomena from interactions of its microscopic components is a problem permeating much of modern physics. Successes include our understanding of phase transitions, while turbulence still remains mostly mysterious. In cell biology, for more than a hundred years, it has been observed that micron-sized structures within […]

High Energy Physics Theory Seminar: Liang Dai (UC Berkeley)

Bloomberg 462

Title: Stars under Einstein’s microscope: strong gravitational lensing near caustics Abstract: Rich clusters of galaxies are the largest gravitational magnifiers in the Universe. One of the most interesting gravitational lensing phenomena arises when background galaxies overlap with the lensing caustics cast by the galaxy cluster lens such that a portion of it is tremendously magnified […]

Condensed matter and biological physics seminar: Kai Sun (U Michigan)

Bloomberg 462

Title: New Pathways for Topological Flat Bands, and Roton Condensate in Fractional Quantum Anomalous Hall Systems   Abstract: Recent studies on topological flat bands in moiré superlattices have revealed fascinating new phenomena, such as the fractional quantum anomalous Hall effect (FQAH). In this talk, we will discuss  two interrelated topics: (1) new strategies for creating exact […]