Joint JHU-UMD particle physics seminar: Giorgio Gratta (Stanford U.)

Bloomberg 462

* Lunch at noon TITLE: Testing Gravity at ever shorter scale: a trip into exotic experimental physics ABSTRACT: Since the times of Henry Cavendish and John Mitchell, the strength of gravity has been measured by comparing it to the reaction of a calibrated mechanical spring. While in the last 60 years planetary measurements (with natural and […]

Department-wide Colloquium: Lisa Kewley (Harvard-Smithsonian CFA)

Bloomberg 272 - Schafler Auditorium

Hosted by JHU Gender Minorities & Women in Physics (G-WiP), TITLE: A new vision for the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian ABSTRACT: I will present the latest discoveries and developments at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian (CfA).  Our discoveries cover solar astrophysics, star formation and evolution, galaxy formation & evolution, extrasolar […]