Experimental particle physics seminar: Kevin Pedro (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)

Bloomberg 475

Title: Dark QCD: the Next Frontier in Dark Matter Abstract: There has been a surge of interest in hidden valley models with new, strong forces, sometimes called "dark QCD". These models propose asymmetric, composite dark matter in the form of "dark hadrons" that would evade direct and indirect bounds as well as typical collider DM searches for […]

Joint JHU-UMD particle physics seminar: Giorgio Gratta (Stanford U.)

Bloomberg 462

* Lunch at noon TITLE: Testing Gravity at ever shorter scale: a trip into exotic experimental physics ABSTRACT: Since the times of Henry Cavendish and John Mitchell, the strength of gravity has been measured by comparing it to the reaction of a calibrated mechanical spring. While in the last 60 years planetary measurements (with natural and […]

Department-wide Colloquium: Lisa Kewley (Harvard-Smithsonian CFA)

Bloomberg 272 - Schafler Auditorium

Hosted by JHU Gender Minorities & Women in Physics (G-WiP), TITLE: A new vision for the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian ABSTRACT: I will present the latest discoveries and developments at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian (CfA).  Our discoveries cover solar astrophysics, star formation and evolution, galaxy formation & evolution, extrasolar […]