High Energy Physics Seminar: Aidan Herderschee

Bloomberg 447

Speaker: Aidan Herderschee Title: Three Point Amplitudes and Emergent Symmetries in Matrix Theory Date and time: Friday March 8, 11am - 12pm Room: Bloomberg 447 Abstract: The Banks-Fischler-Shenker-Susskind (BFSS) theory is a matrix model conjecturally dual to M-theory in eleven dimensional asymptotically flat space when the size of the matrices is taken large. The model has […]

High Energy Physics Theory Seminar: Adrienne Erickcek (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

Bloomberg 462

Title: Beyond LCDM: New constraints on new components Abstract: Are dark matter and dark energy the only cosmological constituents that lie beyond the Standard Model?  It has been suggested that dark matter and dark energy are parts of a more extensive hidden sector that includes additional particles and fields. Since there are no direct observational […]

High Energy Physics Theory Seminar: Liang Dai (UC Berkeley)

Bloomberg 462

Title: Stars under Einstein’s microscope: strong gravitational lensing near caustics Abstract: Rich clusters of galaxies are the largest gravitational magnifiers in the Universe. One of the most interesting gravitational lensing phenomena arises when background galaxies overlap with the lensing caustics cast by the galaxy cluster lens such that a portion of it is tremendously magnified […]

High Energy Physics Seminar: Gregorio Carullo (Niels Bohr Institute)

Bloomberg 462

Title: The hyperbolic tale of GW190521 Abstract: I will discuss the most enigmatic signal observed by the LIGO-Virgo-Kagra collaboration to date, GW190521, and the possibility that it was generated by the merger of two massive black holes in non-circular orbits. A critical comparison with the standard hypothesis of a quasi-circular binary will be presented, together […]

High Energy Physics Theory Seminar: Thomas Dumitrescu (UCLA)

Bloomberg 462

Title: “Higgs-Confinement Transitions in QCD from Symmetry Protected Topological Phases” Abstract: In gauge theories with fundamental matter, such as QCD, there is typically no sharp way to distinguish confining and Higgs regimes because there are no suitable order parameters.  It is standard lore that these two regimes are continuously connected. In this talk I will […]

High Energy Physics Theory Seminar: John Stout (Harvard)

Bloomberg 462

Title: de Sitter as an Axion Detector Abstract: Axions, scalar fields with compact field spaces, are some of the most well-motivated candidates for physics beyond the Standard Model. In this talk, I will explain how inflationary correlations are uniquely sensitive to the topology of a scalar's field space, and can thus be used to distinguish […]