Department-wide Colloquium: Jim Gates (UMD)

Bloomberg 272 - Schafler Auditorium

TITLE: A Physicist Following Faraday's Hint in the Search for Quantum Gravity, ABSTRACT: Faraday's discovery of electromagnetic induction occurred due to his inference that magnetic fields about wires must be as wheels about a spoke.  This visualization led to understanding the physics of B-fields. Currently mathematically enabled research uses computers to augment this important tool.  The speaker will discuss […]

Department-wide all-hands meeting

Bloomberg 272 - Schafler Auditorium

All members of the department are invited and encouraged to attend.   The purpose of the meeting will be to make some announcements and to provide information and updates on various research, education, outreach, and administrative initiatives in the department.    As with the colloquium, a wine and cheese reception will follow.