AMO Seminar: Aziza Suleymanzade (Harvard University)

Bloomberg 462

Video of the talk Passcode: YvKt0*4q Title: Building quantum networks: from solid-state defects and Rydberg atoms in cavities to a new scientific frontier with hybrid quantum systems. Abstract: The experimental development of quantum networks marks a significant scientific milestone, poised to enable secure quantum communication, distributed quantum computing, and entanglement-enhanced nonlocal sensing. In this talk, I will […]

AMO Seminar: Zhenjie Yan (UC Berkeley)

Bloomberg 462

Video of the Talk Title:  Cavity-enabled measurements and interactions in atomic tweezer arrays Abstract: The atomic tweezer array has emerged as a promising new platform for quantum simulation and computation. In this talk, I will highlight our results on integrating an optical cavity with atomic tweezer arrays to control the atom-environment and atom-atom interactions. Through selectively […]

AMO Seminar: Bryan Changala (Harvard & Smithsonian)

Bloomberg 462

Video of the talk Title: Illuminating exotic chemistry and physics with single-quantum-state spectroscopy Abstract: Molecules are amongst the most complex objects that can be controlled and studied at the individual quantum state level. In this talk, I will introduce some of the extraordinary advances made in the last decade by the application of AMO physics […]

AMO Seminar: Harry Levine (Amazon Web Services, Center for Quantum Computing)

Bloomberg 462

Video of the talk Title: Novel strategies for hardware-efficient quantum processors Abstract: Quantum error correction is an exciting scientific frontier at the interface of many fields including quantum information science, many-body physics, and computer science. The field has developed rapidly in the last several years, with major milestones marking the first glimpses into a future of error-corrected […]

AMO Seminar: Xing Fan (Northwestern University)

Bloomberg 462

Video of the talk "Search for New Physics with Electron Dipole Moments" Xing Fan, Research Assistant Professor, Northwestern University A major goal of modern particle physics is to search for phenomena that are in conflict with our best theoretical understanding of nature, the Standard Model (SM). One approach in the search occurs at the laboratory […]