The department hosts two colloquium and six seminar series from a wide range of disciplines. The events calendar below shows all events, while colloquium and seminar series events are on their specific webpage.
Condensed Mater & Biological Physics Seminar: Shenshen Wang (UCLA)
Bloomberg 462Condensed Mater & Biological Physics Seminar: Shenshen Wang (UCLA) Host: Brian Camley
Machine learning and astrophysics/cosmology meeting: Kaze Wong
Bloomberg 447ML x Astro/Cosmo meetings are geared towards discussing new methods/ideas at the intersection of machine learning and astrophysics/cosmology.
JHU/STScI joint colloquium: Benedikt Diemer (UMD)
STScI John Bahcall AuditoriumGalaxy Clusters As Dark Matter Laboratories Benedikt Diemer (UMD) JHU/STScI joint colloquium
Department-wide colloquium: Chris Overstreet (JHU)
Bloomberg 272 - Schafler AuditoriumTITLE: Precision measurement in tabletop experiments, Abstract: Many theories of physics beyond the Standard Model predict small deviations from Standard Model behavior at low energy scales. We can search for […]
Black hole coffee
Bloomberg 235Black (hole) Coffee is a space for students, postdocs, and professors to discuss cutting-edge research on all things black holes, spanning both observations and theory.
Department-wide colloquium, Brickwedde lecture: Eric Cornell (JILA)
Bloomberg 272 - Schafler AuditoriumTITLE: Looking for Fossils of the Big Bang 2025 Ferdinand G. Brickwedde Lecture in Physics
Condensed matter and biological physics seminar: Matteo Mitrano (Harvard University)
Bloomberg 462Host: Natalia Drichko Condensed matter and biological physics seminar: Matteo Mitrano (Harvard University)
JHU/STScI joint colloquium: Anne Jaskot (Williams College)
STScI John Bahcall AuditoriumHow to Reionize the Universe: Lessons from Low RedshiftAnne Jaskot (Williams College)
Gender minorities and women in physics tea & cookies
Bloomberg 139Gender minorities and women in physics tea & cookies. More information about Gender minorities and women in physics.
Black hole coffee
Bloomberg 235Black (hole) Coffee is a space for students, postdocs, and professors to discuss cutting-edge research on all things black holes, spanning both observations and theory.
Condensed matter & biological physics seminar: Emilia Morosan (Rice University)
Bloomberg 462Condensed matter & biological physics seminar: Emilia Morosan (Rice University) Host: Tyrel McQueen
Machine learning and astrophysics/cosmology meeting
Bloomberg 447ML x Astro/Cosmo meetings are geared towards discussing new methods/ideas at the intersection of machine learning and astrophysics/cosmology.