The department hosts two colloquium and six seminar series from a wide range of disciplines. The events calendar below shows all events, while colloquium and seminar series events are on their specific webpage.
Condensed matter & biological physics seminar: Liang Wu (U Penn)
Bloomberg 462Scanning time-resolved optical studies on Kagome superconductors The kagome lattice provides a fascinating playground to study geometrical frustration, topology and strong correlations. The newly discovered kagome metals AV3Sb5 (A = K, Rb, […]
Astrophysics Seminar: J. Richard Bond (University of Toronto)
Bloomberg 462von Neumann of (thermal) quantum entropy fame purportedly responded to Shannon asking what his novel classical information content measure should be called: paraphrasing, entropy, nobody understands it anyway. Nowadays thermal […]
Department-wide colloquium: Jennifer Lotz (STScI)
Bloomberg 272 - Schafler AuditoriumTITLE: The Legacies of Hubble, Webb, and future NASA astrophysics flagship missions ABSTRACT: For the past four decades, the Space Telescope Science Institute has served as the bridge between NASA's […]
Condensed matter physics seminar: Tessa Cookmeyer (KITP at University of California Santa Barbara)
Bloomberg 462TITLE: The search for a Kitaev spin liquid: predicting experiments and engineering its realization
Condensed matter & biological physics seminar: Moussa Ngom (RPI)
Bloomberg 462TITLE: Optics with a Twist for Material Characterization ABSTRACT: Optical wavefront shaping (WFS) involves the ability to manipulate light fields both spatially and temporally. It has largely been enabled by […]
Condensed matter and biological physics seminar: Calina Copos (Northeastern University)
Bloomberg 462Condensed matter and biological physics seminar: Calina Copos (Northeastern University) Host: Brian Camley
Department-wide colloquium: Massimo Vergassola
Bloomberg 272 - Schafler AuditoriumTITLE: Learning to navigate complex environments ABSTRACT: Living systems face the challenging task of navigating complex natural environments. Notable examples include long-distance orientation using airborne olfactory cues transported by turbulent […]
Condensed matter & biological physics seminar: Piers Coleman (Rutgers)
Bloomberg 462TITLE: TBD ABSTRACT: TBD Host: Collin Broholm Piers Coleman (Rutgers)
Department-wide colloquium, Brickwedde lecture: Eric Cornell (JILA / U Colorado)
Bloomberg 272 - Schafler AuditoriumTITLE: To be announced soon, ABSTRACT: To be announced soon
Department-wide Colloquium: Jim Gates (UMD)
Bloomberg 272 - Schafler AuditoriumTITLE: To be announced soon, ABSTRACT: To be announced soon
Condensed matter & biological physics seminar: Devine Kumah (Duke)
Bloomberg 462Host: Jazzmin Victorin Condensed matter & biological physics seminar: Devine Kumah (Duke)
Department-wide colloquium: Donna Strickland (Waterloo)
Bloomberg 272 - Schafler AuditoriumHosted by JHU Gender Minorities & Women in Physics (G-WiP), TITLE: To be announced soon