News & Announcements Archive

Jami Valentine Miller Receives 2022 JHU Distinguished Alumna Award

Jami Valentine Miller Receives 2022 JHU Distinguished Alumna Award

Jami Valentine Miller, who earned her PhD in the department in 2007 working with Chia Ling Chien, has received the 2022 JHU Distinguished Alumna Award.  After successfully defending her dissertation, […]

Honoring Mark O. Robbins – Sunday, October 2, 2022, 9 AM

Honoring Mark O. Robbins – Sunday, October 2, 2022, 9 AM

Please join us in honoring the memory of Mark O. Robbins by illuminating his contributions to science. Sunday, October 2, 2022, 9 AM, Schafler Auditorium. Brunch will be served at […]

Arshia Jacob Receives Otto Hahn Award From the Max Planck Institute

Arshia Jacob Receives Otto Hahn Award From the Max Planck Institute

Postdoctoral researcher Dr. Arshia Jacob has received the Otto Hahn Award from the Max Planck Society.  Arshia, who has been working with Prof. David Neufeld, is being recognized for her […]

Mark Ho Yeuk Cheung Receives Croucher Fellowship from Hong Kong

Mark Ho Yeuk Cheung Receives Croucher Fellowship from Hong Kong

Graduate student Mark Ho Yeuk Cheung has received a very competitive Croucher Fellowship from Hong Kong. The fellowship helps Hong Kong students pursue a PhD and supports the early stages of their […]

Kaze Wong Receives Gravitational Wave International Committee-Braccini Prize for PhD Thesis

Kaze Wong Receives Gravitational Wave International Committee-Braccini Prize for PhD Thesis

Kaze Wong, who received his PhD from the department working with Emanuele Berti, has received the Gravitational Wave International Committee-Braccini Prize in recognition of his PhD thesis titled “Building new […]

Rosemary Wyse Writes Autobiographical Chapter in “The Sky is for Everyone: Women Astronomers in Their Own Words”

Rosemary Wyse Writes Autobiographical Chapter in “The Sky is for Everyone: Women Astronomers in Their Own Words”

Alumni Centennial Professor Rosemary Wyse has joined an assemblage of influential women astronomers by writing an autobiographical chapter in “The Sky is for Everyone: Woman Astronomers in Their Own Words.” […]

Vishal Baibhav Receives Ehlers Thesis Prize from the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation

Vishal Baibhav Receives Ehlers Thesis Prize from the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation

Vishal Baibhav, who received his PhD from the department working with Emanuele Berti, has received the Ehlers Theseis Prize for best PhD thesis. The prize was awarded by the International […]

First Images from the James Webb Space Telescope Show Far Corners of the Unseen Universe

First Images from the James Webb Space Telescope Show Far Corners of the Unseen Universe

“There were times when we weren’t sure if things would work, but they’re working spectacularly,” says Dan Coe, A&S ’04 (MA), ’07 (PhD), an astronomer with the Space Telescope Science […]

Nicole Crumpler, Hector Cruz, Rojin Jafari, Yi Luo, and Thomas Waddleton Receive Teaching Awards

Nicole Crumpler, Hector Cruz, Rojin Jafari, Yi Luo, and Thomas Waddleton Receive Teaching Awards

The Graduate Program Committee is pleased to announce their selection of the most outstanding graduate student Teaching Assistants in the department with their annual graduate teaching awards. The recipients are: EJ […]

10 Year Anniversary of the Discovery of the Higgs Boson

10 Year Anniversary of the Discovery of the Higgs Boson

There was a bump in the middle of the night. On June 14, 2012, Physics and Astronomy Professor Andrei Gritsan analyzed data in a small meeting room at the CERN […]