Nicole Crumpler, Hector Cruz, Rojin Jafari, Yi Luo, and Thomas Waddleton Receive Teaching Awards

Nicole Crumpler, Hector Cruz, Rojin Jafari, Yi Luo, and Thomas Waddleton Receive Teaching Awards

The Graduate Program Committee is pleased to announce their selection of the most outstanding graduate student Teaching Assistants in the department with their annual graduate teaching awards. The recipients are:

EJ Rhee TA award for Flair in Teaching:  Nicole Crumpler

Rowland Prize for Innovation in Teaching:  Hector Cruz

Agnew Prize for Excellence in Teaching:  Thomas Waddleton

Tatum Prize for Excellence in Teaching:  Yi Luo

Kilby Prize for Excellence in Teaching:  Rojin Jafari

Congratulations, Nicole, Hector, Thomas, Yi, and Rojin!