Marc Kamionkowski Receives 2021 Gruber Cosmology Prize

Marc Kamionkowski Receives 2021 Gruber Cosmology Prize

William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor Marc Kamionkowski has been awarded the 2021 Gruber Cosmology Prize, along with Uroš Seljak of the University of California at Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Matias Zaldarriaga of the Institute for Advanced Studies, for their contributions to methods essential for studying the early universe through analysis of the polarization of the cosmic microwave background. The award is given through the Gruber Foundation, which was established at Yale to honor and encourage excellence in the fields of cosmology, genetics, neuroscience, justice, and women’s rights.

Kamionkowski joins previous JHU Gruber prize-winners Bloomberg Distinguished Professor Adam Riess (2007), Bloomberg Distinguished Professor Chuck Bennett (2012), and Homewood Professor Joe Silk (2019).