Please consult the online course catalog for complete course information. If you would like to see our current offerings, please see the department’s listing on the JHU Public Course Search.
Courses for Majors
In the first year, we recommend that prospective majors take Introduction to Classical Physics 171.105–106, with the corresponding laboratory 173.115-116. Taking General Physics for Physical Sciences 171.101–102 is also acceptable, although less desirable. In the fall semester of sophomore year, students take Contemporary Physics Seminar 172.203 and either Special Relativity and Waves 171.201 or the combination of Wave Phenomena with Biophysical Applications 171.309 and Special Relativity 171.207. In the spring semester of the sophomore year, students following the standard track enroll in Classical Mechanics 171.204 and Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics 171.312.
During the first two years, students also bring themselves up to speed in mathematics. We require completion of Calculus I and II 110.108–109, Calculus III 110.202 or 211, Differential Equations 110.302, and Linear Algebra 110.201 or 212. Because our students arrive with a wide range of mathematical preparation, we advise them to consult the Department of Mathematics to determine where they best fit in. Many students take significantly more mathematics than the required core.
Most students begin junior year with the required courses Introduction to Electromagnetic Theory II 171.301 and Quantum Mechanics I 171.303. The required laboratory course, Advanced Lab 173.308, may be taken in the spring of junior or senior year. All majors are required to take either Quantum Mechanics II 171.304 or Introduction to Topics in Contemporary Physics 171.418.
The two forms of the degree, BA and BS, differ only in their requirements for electives. Among the electives offered undergraduates in the Department of Physics and Astronomy are:
Introduction to Stellar Physics 171.313
Introduction to Galaxies and Active Galactic Nuclei 171.314
Introduction to Space Science and Technology 171.321
Condensed Matter Physics 171.405
Nuclear and Particle Physics 171.408
Physical Cosmology 171.410
Independent Research 171.501-502
Undergraduates with the appropriate course prerequisites are encouraged to take graduate-level courses, such as:
General Relativity 171.646
Graduate Quantum Mechanics AS.171.605
Physics of Cell Biology AS.171.648
Advanced Statistical Physics AS.171.703
Introduction to Plasma Physics 171.672
Courses for Non-Majors
Survey Courses
Students may fill distribution requirements with less-technical courses that require no math or physics prerequisites. These include:
Introduction to Frontier Physics 172.114: A one credit seminar introducing students to the questions physicists are unraveling today.
Stars and the Universe: Cosmic Evolution 171.118: An introduction to astronomy.
Subatomic World 171.113: An introduction to the concepts of symmetries, relativity, quanta, neutrinos, particles and field that focuses on concepts instead of math.
Physics of the Everyday World 171.115: An introduction to the concepts of physics and their implications for the natural world around us.
Introductory Courses
The department offers three two-semester introductory physics sequences, designed to meet the needs of a variety of students:
General Physics for Physical Science Majors 171.101–102: A comprehensive one-year course in general physics, intended for physical science and engineering majors who do not plan to pursue further studies in the department. This sequence can be started in either semester and is offered in the summer.
General Physics for Biological Science Majors 171.103–104: Similar to 171.101-102, but is tailored to students with a biological science or engineering major.
Introduction to Classical Physics 171.105–106: Intended for students who plan to take more than one year of physics, perhaps as a minor. It is less comprehensive than 171.101–102 or 171.103–104, but it covers the material in greater depth. Students should be aware that the 171.105–106 sequence alone is not adequate preparation for the physics portion of the MCAT exam.
While the two general physics courses are aimed at students with different interests, either may fulfill the requirements for pre-med or engineering students. They are also accepted in place of 171.105–106 as pre-requisites for 171.20
Intermediate Courses
Two intermediate sequences are available:
Special Relativity and Waves 171.201 and Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics 171.312: Complete an integrated four-semester introduction to core subjects in physics. The sequence 171.105-106 is the preferred prerequisite for 171.201, although 171.101–102 or 171.103–104 are acceptable.
Biological Physics 171.310 and Wave Phenomena with Biophysical Applications 171.309. Aimed at students in biophysics and biomedical engineering, 171.310 covers key physical concepts from statistical physics, fluid mechanics, and electricity and magnetism that are relevant to understanding biological systems. 171.309 covers wave phenomena and biological probes that depend on the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter.
Course # (Section)
Course Details
AS.171.107 (11)
General Physics for Physical Sciences Majors (AL)
MTWThF 9:00AM - 11:30AM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 464
Summer 2025
This two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics is identical in subject matter to AS.171.101-AS.171.102, covering mechanics, heat, sound, electricity and magnetism, optics, and modern physics, but differs in instructional format. Rather than being presented via lectures and discussion sections, it is instead taught in an "active learning" style with most class time given to small group problem-solving guided by instructors. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8 AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8 AM must retain availability for 8 AM sections as needed. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113)
General Physics for Physical Sciences Majors (AL) AS.171.107 (11)
This two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics is identical in subject matter to AS.171.101-AS.171.102, covering mechanics, heat, sound, electricity and magnetism, optics, and modern physics, but differs in instructional format. Rather than being presented via lectures and discussion sections, it is instead taught in an "active learning" style with most class time given to small group problem-solving guided by instructors. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8 AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8 AM must retain availability for 8 AM sections as needed. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113)
Days/Times: MTWThF 9:00AM - 11:30AM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 464
Status: Reserved Open
Seats Available: 33/50
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.108 (21)
General Physics for Physical Science Majors (AL)
MTWThF 9:00AM - 11:30AM
Nataf, David
Bloomberg 464
Summer 2025
Second semester of a two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics identical in subject matter to AS.171.101-AS.171.102, covering mechanics, heat, sound, electricity and magnetism, optics, and modern physics, but differs in instructional format. Rather than being presented via lectures and discussion sections, it is instead taught in an "active learning" style with most class time given to small group problem-solving guided by instructors.
Recommended Course Background: A grade of C- or better in either Physics I or the first semester of Engineering Mechanics (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107 OR EN.530.123)
General Physics for Physical Science Majors (AL) AS.171.108 (21)
Second semester of a two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics identical in subject matter to AS.171.101-AS.171.102, covering mechanics, heat, sound, electricity and magnetism, optics, and modern physics, but differs in instructional format. Rather than being presented via lectures and discussion sections, it is instead taught in an "active learning" style with most class time given to small group problem-solving guided by instructors.
Recommended Course Background: A grade of C- or better in either Physics I or the first semester of Engineering Mechanics (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107 OR EN.530.123)
Days/Times: MTWThF 9:00AM - 11:30AM
Instructor: Nataf, David
Room: Bloomberg 464
Status: Reserved Open
Seats Available: 31/45
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.118 (21)
Stars and the Universe: Cosmic Evolution
MWF 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Zheng, Wei
Gilman 400
Summer 2025
This course looks at the evolution of the universe from its origin in a cosmic explosion to emergence of life on Earth and possibly other planets throughout the universe. Topics include big-bang cosmology; origin and evolution of galaxies, stars, planets, life, and intelligence; black holes; quasars; and relativity theory. The material is largely descriptive, based on insights from physics, astronomy, geology, chemistry, biology, and anthropology.
Stars and the Universe: Cosmic Evolution AS.171.118 (21)
This course looks at the evolution of the universe from its origin in a cosmic explosion to emergence of life on Earth and possibly other planets throughout the universe. Topics include big-bang cosmology; origin and evolution of galaxies, stars, planets, life, and intelligence; black holes; quasars; and relativity theory. The material is largely descriptive, based on insights from physics, astronomy, geology, chemistry, biology, and anthropology.
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Instructor: Zheng, Wei
Room: Gilman 400
Status: Open
Seats Available: 19/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.135 (66)
Exploring the Universe with Space Telescopes
MTWThF 9:30AM - 4:35PM
Lepo, Kelly
Krieger 309
Summer 2025
Through a mix of lectures and hands-on activities, you will learn how astronomers study objects in space using different types of light, observatories, and instrumental techniques. You will also hear from active researchers about the big, open questions in astronomy and how we use space telescopes such as Hubble and Webb to answer those questions. Building on this knowledge, you will work with a small group to design your own space telescope and present that design to your peers. No prior knowledge of astronomy, physics, or mathematics is assumed.
Exploring the Universe with Space Telescopes AS.171.135 (66)
Through a mix of lectures and hands-on activities, you will learn how astronomers study objects in space using different types of light, observatories, and instrumental techniques. You will also hear from active researchers about the big, open questions in astronomy and how we use space telescopes such as Hubble and Webb to answer those questions. Building on this knowledge, you will work with a small group to design your own space telescope and present that design to your peers. No prior knowledge of astronomy, physics, or mathematics is assumed.
Days/Times: MTWThF 9:30AM - 4:35PM
Instructor: Lepo, Kelly
Room: Krieger 309
Status: Open
Seats Available: 19/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.135 (71)
Exploring the Universe with Space Telescopes
MTWThF 9:30AM - 4:00PM
Krieger 309
Summer 2025
Through a mix of lectures and hands-on activities, you will learn how astronomers study objects in space using different types of light, observatories, and instrumental techniques. You will also hear from active researchers about the big, open questions in astronomy and how we use space telescopes such as Hubble and Webb to answer those questions. Building on this knowledge, you will work with a small group to design your own space telescope and present that design to your peers. No prior knowledge of astronomy, physics, or mathematics is assumed.
Exploring the Universe with Space Telescopes AS.171.135 (71)
Through a mix of lectures and hands-on activities, you will learn how astronomers study objects in space using different types of light, observatories, and instrumental techniques. You will also hear from active researchers about the big, open questions in astronomy and how we use space telescopes such as Hubble and Webb to answer those questions. Building on this knowledge, you will work with a small group to design your own space telescope and present that design to your peers. No prior knowledge of astronomy, physics, or mathematics is assumed.
Days/Times: MTWThF 9:30AM - 4:00PM
Instructor: Staff
Room: Krieger 309
Status: Open
Seats Available: 19/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.135 (76)
Exploring the Universe with Space Telescopes
MTWThF 9:30AM - 4:00PM
Etchemaite-Walborn, Laura; Staff
Krieger 309
Summer 2025
Through a mix of lectures and hands-on activities, you will learn how astronomers study objects in space using different types of light, observatories, and instrumental techniques. You will also hear from active researchers about the big, open questions in astronomy and how we use space telescopes such as Hubble and Webb to answer those questions. Building on this knowledge, you will work with a small group to design your own space telescope and present that design to your peers. No prior knowledge of astronomy, physics, or mathematics is assumed.
Exploring the Universe with Space Telescopes AS.171.135 (76)
Through a mix of lectures and hands-on activities, you will learn how astronomers study objects in space using different types of light, observatories, and instrumental techniques. You will also hear from active researchers about the big, open questions in astronomy and how we use space telescopes such as Hubble and Webb to answer those questions. Building on this knowledge, you will work with a small group to design your own space telescope and present that design to your peers. No prior knowledge of astronomy, physics, or mathematics is assumed.
Days/Times: MTWThF 9:30AM - 4:00PM
Instructor: Etchemaite-Walborn, Laura; Staff
Room: Krieger 309
Status: Open
Seats Available: 19/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.111 (11)
General Physics Laboratory I
MTWTh 1:00PM - 4:00PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 A
Summer 2025
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
General Physics Laboratory I AS.173.111 (11)
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
Days/Times: MTWTh 1:00PM - 4:00PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 A
Status: Open
Seats Available: 19/30
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.112 (21)
General Physics Laboratory II
MTWTh 1:00PM - 4:00PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 A
Summer 2025
Experiments are chosen from both physical and biological sciences and are designed to give students background in experimental techniques as well as to reinforce physical principles. Recommended Course Background: AS.173.111
General Physics Laboratory II AS.173.112 (21)
Experiments are chosen from both physical and biological sciences and are designed to give students background in experimental techniques as well as to reinforce physical principles. Recommended Course Background: AS.173.111
Days/Times: MTWTh 1:00PM - 4:00PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 A
Status: Open
Seats Available: 20/30
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.001.241 (01)
FYS: Nobel Physics
M 3:00PM - 5:30PM
Speller, Danielle Hope
Bloomberg 259
Fall 2025
Is physics a noble science built on inspiration, ingenuity, and ideas? What does it mean to win a Nobel Prize? Why was the prize established? What ideas are awarded? Who gets credit? How long does it take? Has a prize ever been rescinded? How well do Nobel ideas stand the test of time?
Sources that we will explore include library archives, the speeches of Nobel Laureates, and released records of nominees, as well as some of the topics for which the prizes were awarded. We can also analyze JHU's influence on Nobel-awarded physics research, and at the University's involvement in Nobel-based or Nobel-related physics and astronomy research
Experiential components of the semester may include looking at how Nobel prizes are depicted in the media and popular culture, documentaries and biopics of prize winners and research (e.g. the movie Particle Fever for the Higgs) and popular-level books; recreations of demonstrations or laboratory setups of Nobel-winning experiments; recordings of an awards ceremony; invitations to guest speakers; and possibly a museum or laboratory visit.
FYS: Nobel Physics AS.001.241 (01)
Is physics a noble science built on inspiration, ingenuity, and ideas? What does it mean to win a Nobel Prize? Why was the prize established? What ideas are awarded? Who gets credit? How long does it take? Has a prize ever been rescinded? How well do Nobel ideas stand the test of time?
Sources that we will explore include library archives, the speeches of Nobel Laureates, and released records of nominees, as well as some of the topics for which the prizes were awarded. We can also analyze JHU's influence on Nobel-awarded physics research, and at the University's involvement in Nobel-based or Nobel-related physics and astronomy research
Experiential components of the semester may include looking at how Nobel prizes are depicted in the media and popular culture, documentaries and biopics of prize winners and research (e.g. the movie Particle Fever for the Higgs) and popular-level books; recreations of demonstrations or laboratory setups of Nobel-winning experiments; recordings of an awards ceremony; invitations to guest speakers; and possibly a museum or laboratory visit.
Days/Times: M 3:00PM - 5:30PM
Instructor: Speller, Danielle Hope
Room: Bloomberg 259
Status: Open
Seats Available: 12/12
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.001.252 (01)
FYS: Energy and Climate Change
MW 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Kamionkowski, Marc
Bloomberg 259
Fall 2025
In this First-Year Seminar, we will try to understand together the basic physics of energy and climate change. We'll try to derive estimates, from basic high-school physics, for how much energy it takes to drive a car across the country; fly across the country; to get ChatGPT to write an essay for us; to heat and light our homes; send a SpaceX Starship into space; etc. Should you be riding that electric scooter or e-bike when you could ride a (muscle-powered) bike? We'll figure out how much carbon is put into the atmosphere each time we do any of these things, and how that carbon affects the climate. We'll think about ways to save energy, reduce carbon emissions, and sequester carbon. We'll study various prospects for clean energy and what needs to be done to have them implemented. We'll try to figure out if we should be thinking about geo-engineering. We'll spend the first few weeks working together to identify specific questions we'd like to think about and then follow through the rest of the semester, relying on varied sources along the way.
FYS: Energy and Climate Change AS.001.252 (01)
In this First-Year Seminar, we will try to understand together the basic physics of energy and climate change. We'll try to derive estimates, from basic high-school physics, for how much energy it takes to drive a car across the country; fly across the country; to get ChatGPT to write an essay for us; to heat and light our homes; send a SpaceX Starship into space; etc. Should you be riding that electric scooter or e-bike when you could ride a (muscle-powered) bike? We'll figure out how much carbon is put into the atmosphere each time we do any of these things, and how that carbon affects the climate. We'll think about ways to save energy, reduce carbon emissions, and sequester carbon. We'll study various prospects for clean energy and what needs to be done to have them implemented. We'll try to figure out if we should be thinking about geo-engineering. We'll spend the first few weeks working together to identify specific questions we'd like to think about and then follow through the rest of the semester, relying on varied sources along the way.
Days/Times: MW 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Instructor: Kamionkowski, Marc
Room: Bloomberg 259
Status: Open
Seats Available: 12/12
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.001.258 (01)
FYS: The Science of Images: From Atoms to Galaxies
T 12:00PM - 2:30PM
Norcini, Danielle
Bloomberg 259
Fall 2025
From capturing the intricate structure of a single atom to unveiling the grandeur of distant galaxies, the science of imaging bridges the smallest and largest scales of the universe. This First-Year Seminar delves into the fascinating interplay between technology, physics, and visualization, exploring how images are created, analyzed, and applied in groundbreaking scientific research. We'll examine the principles behind diverse imaging techniques: medical imaging tools like MRI and CT scans that save lives, telescopes that peer into the cosmos, and electron microscopes that reveal the building blocks of matter. Alongside the technical insights, we'll discuss the scientific stories these images tell--how they've shaped discoveries in fields like astrophysics, molecular biology, and quantum mechanics.
FYS: The Science of Images: From Atoms to Galaxies AS.001.258 (01)
From capturing the intricate structure of a single atom to unveiling the grandeur of distant galaxies, the science of imaging bridges the smallest and largest scales of the universe. This First-Year Seminar delves into the fascinating interplay between technology, physics, and visualization, exploring how images are created, analyzed, and applied in groundbreaking scientific research. We'll examine the principles behind diverse imaging techniques: medical imaging tools like MRI and CT scans that save lives, telescopes that peer into the cosmos, and electron microscopes that reveal the building blocks of matter. Alongside the technical insights, we'll discuss the scientific stories these images tell--how they've shaped discoveries in fields like astrophysics, molecular biology, and quantum mechanics.
Days/Times: T 12:00PM - 2:30PM
Instructor: Norcini, Danielle
Room: Bloomberg 259
Status: Open
Seats Available: 12/12
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.101 (01)
General Physics:Physical Science Major I
TTh 10:30AM - 11:45AM, F 8:00AM - 8:50AM
Sushkov, Alex
Bloomberg 272
Fall 2025
First semester of a two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics. In this term, In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8 AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8 AM must retain availability for 8 AM sections as needed.
Recommended Co-requisite: AS.110.108 or AS.110.113 AND AS.173.111
General Physics:Physical Science Major I AS.171.101 (01)
First semester of a two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics. In this term, In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8 AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8 AM must retain availability for 8 AM sections as needed.
Recommended Co-requisite: AS.110.108 or AS.110.113 AND AS.173.111
Days/Times: TTh 10:30AM - 11:45AM, F 8:00AM - 8:50AM
Instructor: Sushkov, Alex
Room: Bloomberg 272
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.101 (02)
General Physics:Physical Science Major I
TTh 10:30AM - 11:45AM, F 9:00AM - 9:50AM
Sushkov, Alex
Bloomberg 272
Fall 2025
First semester of a two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics. In this term, In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8 AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8 AM must retain availability for 8 AM sections as needed.
Recommended Co-requisite: AS.110.108 or AS.110.113 AND AS.173.111
General Physics:Physical Science Major I AS.171.101 (02)
First semester of a two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics. In this term, In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8 AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8 AM must retain availability for 8 AM sections as needed.
Recommended Co-requisite: AS.110.108 or AS.110.113 AND AS.173.111
Days/Times: TTh 10:30AM - 11:45AM, F 9:00AM - 9:50AM
Instructor: Sushkov, Alex
Room: Bloomberg 272
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.101 (03)
General Physics:Physical Science Major I
TTh 10:30AM - 11:45AM, F 10:00AM - 10:50AM
Sushkov, Alex
Bloomberg 272
Fall 2025
First semester of a two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics. In this term, In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8 AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8 AM must retain availability for 8 AM sections as needed.
Recommended Co-requisite: AS.110.108 or AS.110.113 AND AS.173.111
General Physics:Physical Science Major I AS.171.101 (03)
First semester of a two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics. In this term, In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8 AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8 AM must retain availability for 8 AM sections as needed.
Recommended Co-requisite: AS.110.108 or AS.110.113 AND AS.173.111
Days/Times: TTh 10:30AM - 11:45AM, F 10:00AM - 10:50AM
Instructor: Sushkov, Alex
Room: Bloomberg 272
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.101 (04)
General Physics:Physical Science Major I
TTh 10:30AM - 11:45AM, F 11:00AM - 11:50AM
Sushkov, Alex
Bloomberg 272
Fall 2025
First semester of a two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics. In this term, In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8 AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8 AM must retain availability for 8 AM sections as needed.
Recommended Co-requisite: AS.110.108 or AS.110.113 AND AS.173.111
General Physics:Physical Science Major I AS.171.101 (04)
First semester of a two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics. In this term, In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8 AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8 AM must retain availability for 8 AM sections as needed.
Recommended Co-requisite: AS.110.108 or AS.110.113 AND AS.173.111
Days/Times: TTh 10:30AM - 11:45AM, F 11:00AM - 11:50AM
Instructor: Sushkov, Alex
Room: Bloomberg 272
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.102 (01)
General Physics: Physical Science Majors II
MWF 11:00AM - 11:50AM, Th 8:00AM - 8:50AM
Maksimovic, Petar
Bloomberg 272
Fall 2025
Second Semester of a two-semester sequences in calculus-based general physics. In this term, the topics covered include wave motion, electricity and magnetism, optics and modern physics. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8AM must retain availability for the 8AM sections as needed.
General Physics: Physical Science Majors II AS.171.102 (01)
Second Semester of a two-semester sequences in calculus-based general physics. In this term, the topics covered include wave motion, electricity and magnetism, optics and modern physics. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8AM must retain availability for the 8AM sections as needed.
Second Semester of a two-semester sequences in calculus-based general physics. In this term, the topics covered include wave motion, electricity and magnetism, optics and modern physics. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8AM must retain availability for the 8AM sections as needed.
General Physics: Physical Science Majors II AS.171.102 (02)
Second Semester of a two-semester sequences in calculus-based general physics. In this term, the topics covered include wave motion, electricity and magnetism, optics and modern physics. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8AM must retain availability for the 8AM sections as needed.
Second Semester of a two-semester sequences in calculus-based general physics. In this term, the topics covered include wave motion, electricity and magnetism, optics and modern physics. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8AM must retain availability for the 8AM sections as needed.
General Physics: Physical Science Majors II AS.171.102 (03)
Second Semester of a two-semester sequences in calculus-based general physics. In this term, the topics covered include wave motion, electricity and magnetism, optics and modern physics. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8AM must retain availability for the 8AM sections as needed.
Second Semester of a two-semester sequences in calculus-based general physics. In this term, the topics covered include wave motion, electricity and magnetism, optics and modern physics. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8AM must retain availability for the 8AM sections as needed.
General Physics: Physical Science Majors II AS.171.102 (04)
Second Semester of a two-semester sequences in calculus-based general physics. In this term, the topics covered include wave motion, electricity and magnetism, optics and modern physics. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8AM must retain availability for the 8AM sections as needed.
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors AS.171.103 (01)
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 8:00AM - 8:50AM
Instructor: Marriage, Tobias
Room: Bloomberg 272
Status: Open
Seats Available: 25/25
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.103 (02)
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors
MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 9:00AM - 9:50AM
Marriage, Tobias
Bloomberg 272
Fall 2025
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors AS.171.103 (02)
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 9:00AM - 9:50AM
Instructor: Marriage, Tobias
Room: Bloomberg 272
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.103 (03)
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors
MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 10:30AM - 11:20AM
Marriage, Tobias
Bloomberg 272
Fall 2025
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors AS.171.103 (03)
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 10:30AM - 11:20AM
Instructor: Marriage, Tobias
Room: Bloomberg 272
Status: Open
Seats Available: 27/27
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.103 (04)
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors
MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 12:00PM - 12:50PM
Marriage, Tobias
Bloomberg 272
Fall 2025
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors AS.171.103 (04)
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 12:00PM - 12:50PM
Instructor: Marriage, Tobias
Room: Bloomberg 272
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.103 (05)
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors
MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 12:00PM - 12:50PM
Marriage, Tobias
Bloomberg 272
Fall 2025
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors AS.171.103 (05)
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 12:00PM - 12:50PM
Instructor: Marriage, Tobias
Room: Bloomberg 272
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.103 (06)
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors
MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 4:30PM - 5:20PM
Marriage, Tobias
Bloomberg 272
Fall 2025
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors AS.171.103 (06)
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 4:30PM - 5:20PM
Instructor: Marriage, Tobias
Room: Bloomberg 272
Status: Open
Seats Available: 25/25
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.103 (07)
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors
MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 8:00AM - 8:50AM
Marriage, Tobias
Bloomberg 272
Fall 2025
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors AS.171.103 (07)
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 8:00AM - 8:50AM
Instructor: Marriage, Tobias
Room: Bloomberg 272
Status: Open
Seats Available: 25/25
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.103 (08)
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors
MWF 10:00AM - 10:50AM, T 9:00AM - 9:50AM
Marriage, Tobias
Bloomberg 272
Fall 2025
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors AS.171.103 (08)
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
Days/Times: MWF 10:00AM - 10:50AM, T 9:00AM - 9:50AM
Instructor: Marriage, Tobias
Room: Bloomberg 272
Status: Open
Seats Available: 25/25
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.103 (09)
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors
MWF 10:00AM - 10:50AM, T 10:30AM - 11:20AM
Marriage, Tobias
Bloomberg 272
Fall 2025
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors AS.171.103 (09)
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
Days/Times: MWF 10:00AM - 10:50AM, T 10:30AM - 11:20AM
Instructor: Marriage, Tobias
Room: Bloomberg 272
Status: Open
Seats Available: 27/27
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.103 (10)
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors
MWF 10:00AM - 10:50AM, T 12:00PM - 12:50PM
Marriage, Tobias
Bloomberg 272
Fall 2025
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors AS.171.103 (10)
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
Days/Times: MWF 10:00AM - 10:50AM, T 12:00PM - 12:50PM
Instructor: Marriage, Tobias
Room: Bloomberg 272
Status: Open
Seats Available: 25/25
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.103 (11)
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors
MWF 10:00AM - 10:50AM, T 4:30PM - 5:20PM
Marriage, Tobias
Bloomberg 272
Fall 2025
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors AS.171.103 (11)
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
Days/Times: MWF 10:00AM - 10:50AM, T 4:30PM - 5:20PM
Instructor: Marriage, Tobias
Room: Bloomberg 272
Status: Open
Seats Available: 25/25
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.103 (12)
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors
MWF 10:00AM - 10:50AM, T 8:00AM - 8:50AM
Marriage, Tobias
Bloomberg 272
Fall 2025
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors AS.171.103 (12)
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
Days/Times: MWF 10:00AM - 10:50AM, T 8:00AM - 8:50AM
Instructor: Marriage, Tobias
Room: Bloomberg 272
Status: Reserved Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.103 (13)
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors
MWF 10:00AM - 10:50AM, T 9:00AM - 9:50AM
Marriage, Tobias
Bloomberg 272
Fall 2025
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors AS.171.103 (13)
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
Days/Times: MWF 10:00AM - 10:50AM, T 9:00AM - 9:50AM
Instructor: Marriage, Tobias
Room: Bloomberg 272
Status: Reserved Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.103 (14)
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors
MWF 10:00AM - 10:50AM, T 4:30PM - 5:20PM
Marriage, Tobias
Bloomberg 272
Fall 2025
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors AS.171.103 (14)
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
Days/Times: MWF 10:00AM - 10:50AM, T 4:30PM - 5:20PM
Instructor: Marriage, Tobias
Room: Bloomberg 272
Status: Open
Seats Available: 25/25
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.103 (15)
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors
MWF 10:00AM - 10:50AM, T 12:00PM - 12:50PM
Marriage, Tobias
Bloomberg 272
Fall 2025
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors AS.171.103 (15)
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
Days/Times: MWF 10:00AM - 10:50AM, T 12:00PM - 12:50PM
Instructor: Marriage, Tobias
Room: Bloomberg 272
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.103 (16)
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors
MWF 10:00AM - 10:50AM, T 9:00AM - 9:50AM
Marriage, Tobias
Bloomberg 272
Fall 2025
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
General Physics I for Biological Science Majors AS.171.103 (16)
First-semester of two-semester sequence in calculus-based general physics, tailored to students majoring in one of the biological sciences. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Recommended Corequisites: (AS.173.111) AND (AS.110.106 or AS.110.108 or AS.110.113).
Midterm exams are given at 8am Tuesdays, so students must leave their schedules open at this time in order to be able to take these exams
Days/Times: MWF 10:00AM - 10:50AM, T 9:00AM - 9:50AM
Instructor: Marriage, Tobias
Room: Bloomberg 272
Status: Reserved Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.105 (01)
Classical Mechanics I
MWF 11:00AM - 11:50AM, Th 10:30AM - 11:20AM
Gritsan, Andrei
Bloomberg 361
Fall 2025
An in-depth introduction to classical mechanics intended for physics majors/minors and other students with a strong interest in physics. This course treats fewer topics than AS.171.101 and AS.171.103 but with greater mathematical sophistication. It is particularly recommended for students who intend to take AS.171.201 or AS.171.310. Recommended Co-requisites: AS.173.115 and AS.110.108
Classical Mechanics I AS.171.105 (01)
An in-depth introduction to classical mechanics intended for physics majors/minors and other students with a strong interest in physics. This course treats fewer topics than AS.171.101 and AS.171.103 but with greater mathematical sophistication. It is particularly recommended for students who intend to take AS.171.201 or AS.171.310. Recommended Co-requisites: AS.173.115 and AS.110.108
An in-depth introduction to classical mechanics intended for physics majors/minors and other students with a strong interest in physics. This course treats fewer topics than AS.171.101 and AS.171.103 but with greater mathematical sophistication. It is particularly recommended for students who intend to take AS.171.201 or AS.171.310. Recommended Co-requisites: AS.173.115 and AS.110.108
Classical Mechanics I AS.171.105 (02)
An in-depth introduction to classical mechanics intended for physics majors/minors and other students with a strong interest in physics. This course treats fewer topics than AS.171.101 and AS.171.103 but with greater mathematical sophistication. It is particularly recommended for students who intend to take AS.171.201 or AS.171.310. Recommended Co-requisites: AS.173.115 and AS.110.108
Rather than being presented via lectures and discussion sections, it is instead taught in an "active learning" style with most class time given to small group problem-solving guided by instructors. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8 AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8 AM must retain availability for 8 AM sections as needed.
General Physics for Physical Sciences Majors (AL) AS.171.107 (01)
Rather than being presented via lectures and discussion sections, it is instead taught in an "active learning" style with most class time given to small group problem-solving guided by instructors. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8 AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8 AM must retain availability for 8 AM sections as needed.
Days/Times: TTh 9:00AM - 10:15AM, F 8:00AM - 8:50AM
Instructor: Swartz, Morris
Room: Bloomberg 478
Status: Open
Seats Available: 21/21
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.107 (02)
General Physics for Physical Sciences Majors (AL)
TTh 9:00AM - 10:15AM, F 9:00AM - 9:50AM
Swartz, Morris
Bloomberg 478
Fall 2025
Rather than being presented via lectures and discussion sections, it is instead taught in an "active learning" style with most class time given to small group problem-solving guided by instructors. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8 AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8 AM must retain availability for 8 AM sections as needed.
General Physics for Physical Sciences Majors (AL) AS.171.107 (02)
Rather than being presented via lectures and discussion sections, it is instead taught in an "active learning" style with most class time given to small group problem-solving guided by instructors. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8 AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8 AM must retain availability for 8 AM sections as needed.
Days/Times: TTh 9:00AM - 10:15AM, F 9:00AM - 9:50AM
Instructor: Swartz, Morris
Room: Bloomberg 478
Status: Open
Seats Available: 21/21
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.107 (03)
General Physics for Physical Sciences Majors (AL)
TTh 9:00AM - 10:15AM, F 10:00AM - 10:50AM
Swartz, Morris
Bloomberg 478
Fall 2025
Rather than being presented via lectures and discussion sections, it is instead taught in an "active learning" style with most class time given to small group problem-solving guided by instructors. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8 AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8 AM must retain availability for 8 AM sections as needed.
General Physics for Physical Sciences Majors (AL) AS.171.107 (03)
Rather than being presented via lectures and discussion sections, it is instead taught in an "active learning" style with most class time given to small group problem-solving guided by instructors. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8 AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8 AM must retain availability for 8 AM sections as needed.
Days/Times: TTh 9:00AM - 10:15AM, F 10:00AM - 10:50AM
Instructor: Swartz, Morris
Room: Bloomberg 478
Status: Open
Seats Available: 21/21
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.107 (04)
General Physics for Physical Sciences Majors (AL)
TTh 9:00AM - 10:15AM, F 11:00AM - 11:50AM
Swartz, Morris
Bloomberg 478
Fall 2025
Rather than being presented via lectures and discussion sections, it is instead taught in an "active learning" style with most class time given to small group problem-solving guided by instructors. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8 AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8 AM must retain availability for 8 AM sections as needed.
General Physics for Physical Sciences Majors (AL) AS.171.107 (04)
Rather than being presented via lectures and discussion sections, it is instead taught in an "active learning" style with most class time given to small group problem-solving guided by instructors. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8 AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8 AM must retain availability for 8 AM sections as needed.
Days/Times: TTh 9:00AM - 10:15AM, F 11:00AM - 11:50AM
Instructor: Swartz, Morris
Room: Bloomberg 478
Status: Open
Seats Available: 21/21
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.107 (05)
General Physics for Physical Sciences Majors (AL)
TTh 10:30AM - 11:45AM, F 8:00AM - 8:50AM
Leheny, Robert L
Bloomberg 478
Fall 2025
Rather than being presented via lectures and discussion sections, it is instead taught in an "active learning" style with most class time given to small group problem-solving guided by instructors. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8 AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8 AM must retain availability for 8 AM sections as needed.
General Physics for Physical Sciences Majors (AL) AS.171.107 (05)
Rather than being presented via lectures and discussion sections, it is instead taught in an "active learning" style with most class time given to small group problem-solving guided by instructors. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8 AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8 AM must retain availability for 8 AM sections as needed.
Days/Times: TTh 10:30AM - 11:45AM, F 8:00AM - 8:50AM
Instructor: Leheny, Robert L
Room: Bloomberg 478
Status: Open
Seats Available: 21/21
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.107 (06)
General Physics for Physical Sciences Majors (AL)
TTh 10:30AM - 11:45AM, F 9:00AM - 9:50AM
Leheny, Robert L
Bloomberg 478
Fall 2025
Rather than being presented via lectures and discussion sections, it is instead taught in an "active learning" style with most class time given to small group problem-solving guided by instructors. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8 AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8 AM must retain availability for 8 AM sections as needed.
General Physics for Physical Sciences Majors (AL) AS.171.107 (06)
Rather than being presented via lectures and discussion sections, it is instead taught in an "active learning" style with most class time given to small group problem-solving guided by instructors. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8 AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8 AM must retain availability for 8 AM sections as needed.
Days/Times: TTh 10:30AM - 11:45AM, F 9:00AM - 9:50AM
Instructor: Leheny, Robert L
Room: Bloomberg 478
Status: Open
Seats Available: 21/21
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.107 (07)
General Physics for Physical Sciences Majors (AL)
TTh 10:30AM - 11:45AM, F 10:00AM - 10:50AM
Leheny, Robert L
Bloomberg 478
Fall 2025
Rather than being presented via lectures and discussion sections, it is instead taught in an "active learning" style with most class time given to small group problem-solving guided by instructors. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8 AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8 AM must retain availability for 8 AM sections as needed.
General Physics for Physical Sciences Majors (AL) AS.171.107 (07)
Rather than being presented via lectures and discussion sections, it is instead taught in an "active learning" style with most class time given to small group problem-solving guided by instructors. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8 AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8 AM must retain availability for 8 AM sections as needed.
Days/Times: TTh 10:30AM - 11:45AM, F 10:00AM - 10:50AM
Instructor: Leheny, Robert L
Room: Bloomberg 478
Status: Open
Seats Available: 21/21
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.107 (08)
General Physics for Physical Sciences Majors (AL)
TTh 10:30AM - 11:45AM, F 11:00AM - 11:50AM
Leheny, Robert L
Bloomberg 478
Fall 2025
Rather than being presented via lectures and discussion sections, it is instead taught in an "active learning" style with most class time given to small group problem-solving guided by instructors. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8 AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8 AM must retain availability for 8 AM sections as needed.
General Physics for Physical Sciences Majors (AL) AS.171.107 (08)
Rather than being presented via lectures and discussion sections, it is instead taught in an "active learning" style with most class time given to small group problem-solving guided by instructors. In this term, the topics covered include the basic principles of classical mechanics and fluids as well as an introduction to wave motion. Midterm exams for every section are given during the 8 AM section time! Accordingly, students registering for sections at times other than 8 AM must retain availability for 8 AM sections as needed.
Days/Times: TTh 10:30AM - 11:45AM, F 11:00AM - 11:50AM
Instructor: Leheny, Robert L
Room: Bloomberg 478
Status: Open
Seats Available: 21/21
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.201 (01)
Special Relativity/Waves
TTh 10:30AM - 11:45AM, Th 1:30PM - 3:00PM
Broholm, Collin Leslie
Bloomberg 361
Fall 2025
Course continues introductory physics sequence (begins with AS.171.105-AS.171.106). Special theory of relativity, forced and damped oscillators, Fourier analysis, wave equation, reflection and transmission, diffraction and interference, dispersion. Meets with AS.171.207.
Special Relativity/Waves AS.171.201 (01)
Course continues introductory physics sequence (begins with AS.171.105-AS.171.106). Special theory of relativity, forced and damped oscillators, Fourier analysis, wave equation, reflection and transmission, diffraction and interference, dispersion. Meets with AS.171.207.
Course continues introductory physics sequence (begins with AS.171.105-AS.171.106). Special theory of relativity, forced and damped oscillators, Fourier analysis, wave equation, reflection and transmission, diffraction and interference, dispersion. Meets with AS.171.207.
Special Relativity/Waves AS.171.201 (02)
Course continues introductory physics sequence (begins with AS.171.105-AS.171.106). Special theory of relativity, forced and damped oscillators, Fourier analysis, wave equation, reflection and transmission, diffraction and interference, dispersion. Meets with AS.171.207.
Static electric and magnetic fields in free space and matter; boundary value problems; electromagnetic induction; Maxwell’s equations; and an introduction to electrodynamics.
Electromagnetic Theory II AS.171.301 (01)
Static electric and magnetic fields in free space and matter; boundary value problems; electromagnetic induction; Maxwell’s equations; and an introduction to electrodynamics.
Days/Times: TTh 10:30AM - 11:45AM, F 10:00AM - 10:50AM
Instructor: Chien, Chia Ling
Status: Open
Seats Available: 13/13
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.301 (02)
Electromagnetic Theory II
TTh 10:30AM - 11:45AM, Th 1:30PM - 2:20PM
Chien, Chia Ling
Fall 2025
Static electric and magnetic fields in free space and matter; boundary value problems; electromagnetic induction; Maxwell’s equations; and an introduction to electrodynamics.
Electromagnetic Theory II AS.171.301 (02)
Static electric and magnetic fields in free space and matter; boundary value problems; electromagnetic induction; Maxwell’s equations; and an introduction to electrodynamics.
Fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics. Uncertainty relations, Schrodinger equation in one and three dimensions, tunneling, harmonic oscillator, angular momentum, hydrogen atom, spin, Pauli principle, perturbation theory (time-independent and time-dependent), transition probabilities and selection rules, atomic structure, scattering theory. Recommended Course Background: AS.110.302 or AS.110.306.
Quantum Mechanics I AS.171.303 (01)
Fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics. Uncertainty relations, Schrodinger equation in one and three dimensions, tunneling, harmonic oscillator, angular momentum, hydrogen atom, spin, Pauli principle, perturbation theory (time-independent and time-dependent), transition probabilities and selection rules, atomic structure, scattering theory. Recommended Course Background: AS.110.302 or AS.110.306.
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 1:30PM - 2:20PM
Instructor: Carroll, Sean Michael
Room: Bloomberg 361
Status: Open
Seats Available: 35/35
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.310 (01)
Biological Physics
MW 3:00PM - 4:15PM, F 3:00PM - 3:50PM
Beller, Daniel
Bloomberg 361
Fall 2025
Introduces topics of classical statistical mechanics. Additional topics include low-Reynolds number hydrodynamics and E&M of ionic solutions, via biologically relevant examples.
Biological Physics AS.171.310 (01)
Introduces topics of classical statistical mechanics. Additional topics include low-Reynolds number hydrodynamics and E&M of ionic solutions, via biologically relevant examples.
Days/Times: MW 3:00PM - 4:15PM, F 3:00PM - 3:50PM
Instructor: Beller, Daniel
Room: Bloomberg 361
Status: Open
Seats Available: 35/35
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.313 (01)
Introduction to Stellar Physics
TTh 10:30AM - 11:45AM
MacGregor, Meredith Ann
Fall 2025
Survey of stellar astrophysics. Topics include stellar atmospheres, stellar interiors, nucleosynthesis, stellar evolution, supernovae, white dwarfs, neutron stars, pulsars, black holes, binary stars, accretion disks, protostars, and extrasolar planetary systems. Recommended Course Background: AS.110.108-AS.110.109, AS.171.202
Introduction to Stellar Physics AS.171.313 (01)
Survey of stellar astrophysics. Topics include stellar atmospheres, stellar interiors, nucleosynthesis, stellar evolution, supernovae, white dwarfs, neutron stars, pulsars, black holes, binary stars, accretion disks, protostars, and extrasolar planetary systems. Recommended Course Background: AS.110.108-AS.110.109, AS.171.202
Days/Times: TTh 10:30AM - 11:45AM
Instructor: MacGregor, Meredith Ann
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.321 (01)
Introduction to Space, Science, and Technology
TTh 12:00PM - 1:15PM
MacKenty, John Walker; McCandliss, Stephan R
Fall 2025
Topics include space astronomy, remote observing of the earth, space physics, planetary exploration, human space flight, space environment, orbits, propulsion, spacecraft design, attitude control and communication. Crosslisted by Departments of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Materials Science and Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. Recommended Course Background: AS.171.101-AS.171.102 or similar; AS.110.108-AS.110.109.
Introduction to Space, Science, and Technology AS.171.321 (01)
Topics include space astronomy, remote observing of the earth, space physics, planetary exploration, human space flight, space environment, orbits, propulsion, spacecraft design, attitude control and communication. Crosslisted by Departments of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Materials Science and Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. Recommended Course Background: AS.171.101-AS.171.102 or similar; AS.110.108-AS.110.109.
Days/Times: TTh 12:00PM - 1:15PM
Instructor: MacKenty, John Walker; McCandliss, Stephan R
Status: Open
Seats Available: 36/36
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.171.405 (01)
Condensed Matter Physics
MW 3:00PM - 4:15PM
Zhang, Yahui
Fall 2025
Undergraduate course covering basic concepts of condensed matter physics: crystal structure, diffraction and reciprocal lattices, electronic and optical properties, band structure, phonons, superconductivity and magnetism. Co-listed with AS.171.621
Recommended Course Background: AS.171.304, AS.110.201-AS.110.202.
Condensed Matter Physics AS.171.405 (01)
Undergraduate course covering basic concepts of condensed matter physics: crystal structure, diffraction and reciprocal lattices, electronic and optical properties, band structure, phonons, superconductivity and magnetism. Co-listed with AS.171.621
Recommended Course Background: AS.171.304, AS.110.201-AS.110.202.
Days/Times: MW 3:00PM - 4:15PM
Instructor: Zhang, Yahui
Status: Open
Seats Available: 10/10
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.172.203 (01)
Contemporary Phys Sem
W 1:30PM - 2:20PM
Leheny, Robert L
Fall 2025
This seminar exposes physics majors to a broad variety of contemporary experimental and theoretical issues in the field. Students read and discuss reviews from the current literature, and are expected to make an oral or written presentation. Recommended Course Background: AS.171.101-AS.171.102, AS.171.103-AS.171.104, AS.171.105-AS.171.106 or AS.171.107-AS.171.108.
Contemporary Phys Sem AS.172.203 (01)
This seminar exposes physics majors to a broad variety of contemporary experimental and theoretical issues in the field. Students read and discuss reviews from the current literature, and are expected to make an oral or written presentation. Recommended Course Background: AS.171.101-AS.171.102, AS.171.103-AS.171.104, AS.171.105-AS.171.106 or AS.171.107-AS.171.108.
Days/Times: W 1:30PM - 2:20PM
Instructor: Leheny, Robert L
Status: Open
Seats Available: 35/35
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.111 (01)
General Physics Laboratory I
M 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 A
Fall 2025
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
General Physics Laboratory I AS.173.111 (01)
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
Days/Times: M 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 A
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.111 (02)
General Physics Laboratory I
M 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 B
Fall 2025
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
General Physics Laboratory I AS.173.111 (02)
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
Days/Times: M 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 B
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.111 (03)
General Physics Laboratory I
M 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 C
Fall 2025
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
General Physics Laboratory I AS.173.111 (03)
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
Days/Times: M 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 C
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.111 (04)
General Physics Laboratory I
T 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 A
Fall 2025
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
General Physics Laboratory I AS.173.111 (04)
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
Days/Times: T 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 A
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.111 (05)
General Physics Laboratory I
T 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 B
Fall 2025
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
General Physics Laboratory I AS.173.111 (05)
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
Days/Times: T 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 B
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.111 (06)
General Physics Laboratory I
T 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 C
Fall 2025
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
General Physics Laboratory I AS.173.111 (06)
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
Days/Times: T 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 C
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.111 (07)
General Physics Laboratory I
W 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 A
Fall 2025
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
General Physics Laboratory I AS.173.111 (07)
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
Days/Times: W 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 A
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.111 (08)
General Physics Laboratory I
W 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 B
Fall 2025
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
General Physics Laboratory I AS.173.111 (08)
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
Days/Times: W 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 B
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.111 (09)
General Physics Laboratory I
W 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 C
Fall 2025
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
General Physics Laboratory I AS.173.111 (09)
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
Days/Times: W 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 C
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.111 (10)
General Physics Laboratory I
Th 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 A
Fall 2025
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
General Physics Laboratory I AS.173.111 (10)
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
Days/Times: Th 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 A
Status: Reserved Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.111 (11)
General Physics Laboratory I
Th 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 B
Fall 2025
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
General Physics Laboratory I AS.173.111 (11)
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
Days/Times: Th 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 B
Status: Reserved Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.111 (12)
General Physics Laboratory I
Th 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 C
Fall 2025
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
General Physics Laboratory I AS.173.111 (12)
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
Days/Times: Th 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 C
Status: Reserved Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.111 (13)
General Physics Laboratory I
Th 9:00AM - 11:50AM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 A
Fall 2025
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
General Physics Laboratory I AS.173.111 (13)
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
Days/Times: Th 9:00AM - 11:50AM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 A
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.111 (14)
General Physics Laboratory I
M 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 B
Fall 2025
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
General Physics Laboratory I AS.173.111 (14)
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
Days/Times: M 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 B
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.111 (15)
General Physics Laboratory I
M 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 C
Fall 2025
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
General Physics Laboratory I AS.173.111 (15)
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
Days/Times: M 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 C
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.111 (16)
General Physics Laboratory I
T 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 A
Fall 2025
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
General Physics Laboratory I AS.173.111 (16)
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
Days/Times: T 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 A
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.111 (17)
General Physics Laboratory I
T 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 B
Fall 2025
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
General Physics Laboratory I AS.173.111 (17)
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
Days/Times: T 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 B
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.111 (18)
General Physics Laboratory I
T 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 C
Fall 2025
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
General Physics Laboratory I AS.173.111 (18)
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
Days/Times: T 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 C
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.111 (19)
General Physics Laboratory I
W 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 A
Fall 2025
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
General Physics Laboratory I AS.173.111 (19)
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
Days/Times: W 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 A
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.111 (20)
General Physics Laboratory I
W 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 B
Fall 2025
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
General Physics Laboratory I AS.173.111 (20)
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
Days/Times: W 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 B
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.111 (21)
General Physics Laboratory I
W 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 C
Fall 2025
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
General Physics Laboratory I AS.173.111 (21)
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
Days/Times: W 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 C
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.111 (22)
General Physics Laboratory I
Th 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 A
Fall 2025
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
General Physics Laboratory I AS.173.111 (22)
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
Days/Times: Th 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 A
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.111 (23)
General Physics Laboratory I
Th 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 B
Fall 2025
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
General Physics Laboratory I AS.173.111 (23)
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
Days/Times: Th 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 B
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.111 (24)
General Physics Laboratory I
Th 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 C
Fall 2025
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
General Physics Laboratory I AS.173.111 (24)
Experiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics I. Students are required to take this course concurrently with General Physics I (AS.171.101 OR AS.171.103 OR AS.171.105 OR AS.171.107) unless they already have received credit for one of the mentioned courses. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
Days/Times: Th 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 C
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.112 (01)
General Physics Laboratory II
T 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 D
Fall 2025
Experiments are chosen from both physical and biological sciences and are designed to give students background in experimental techniques as well as to reinforce physical principles. Recommended Course Background: AS.173.111
General Physics Laboratory II AS.173.112 (01)
Experiments are chosen from both physical and biological sciences and are designed to give students background in experimental techniques as well as to reinforce physical principles. Recommended Course Background: AS.173.111
Days/Times: T 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 D
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.112 (02)
General Physics Laboratory II
W 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 D
Fall 2025
Experiments are chosen from both physical and biological sciences and are designed to give students background in experimental techniques as well as to reinforce physical principles. Recommended Course Background: AS.173.111
General Physics Laboratory II AS.173.112 (02)
Experiments are chosen from both physical and biological sciences and are designed to give students background in experimental techniques as well as to reinforce physical principles. Recommended Course Background: AS.173.111
Days/Times: W 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 D
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.112 (03)
General Physics Laboratory II
Th 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 D
Fall 2025
Experiments are chosen from both physical and biological sciences and are designed to give students background in experimental techniques as well as to reinforce physical principles. Recommended Course Background: AS.173.111
General Physics Laboratory II AS.173.112 (03)
Experiments are chosen from both physical and biological sciences and are designed to give students background in experimental techniques as well as to reinforce physical principles. Recommended Course Background: AS.173.111
Days/Times: Th 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 D
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.112 (04)
General Physics Laboratory II
T 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 D
Fall 2025
Experiments are chosen from both physical and biological sciences and are designed to give students background in experimental techniques as well as to reinforce physical principles. Recommended Course Background: AS.173.111
General Physics Laboratory II AS.173.112 (04)
Experiments are chosen from both physical and biological sciences and are designed to give students background in experimental techniques as well as to reinforce physical principles. Recommended Course Background: AS.173.111
Days/Times: T 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 D
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.112 (05)
General Physics Laboratory II
W 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 D
Fall 2025
Experiments are chosen from both physical and biological sciences and are designed to give students background in experimental techniques as well as to reinforce physical principles. Recommended Course Background: AS.173.111
General Physics Laboratory II AS.173.112 (05)
Experiments are chosen from both physical and biological sciences and are designed to give students background in experimental techniques as well as to reinforce physical principles. Recommended Course Background: AS.173.111
Days/Times: W 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 D
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.112 (06)
General Physics Laboratory II
M 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 D
Fall 2025
Experiments are chosen from both physical and biological sciences and are designed to give students background in experimental techniques as well as to reinforce physical principles. Recommended Course Background: AS.173.111
General Physics Laboratory II AS.173.112 (06)
Experiments are chosen from both physical and biological sciences and are designed to give students background in experimental techniques as well as to reinforce physical principles. Recommended Course Background: AS.173.111
Days/Times: M 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 D
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.112 (07)
General Physics Laboratory II
Th 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Mumford, Reid
Bloomberg 165 D
Fall 2025
Experiments are chosen from both physical and biological sciences and are designed to give students background in experimental techniques as well as to reinforce physical principles. Recommended Course Background: AS.173.111
General Physics Laboratory II AS.173.112 (07)
Experiments are chosen from both physical and biological sciences and are designed to give students background in experimental techniques as well as to reinforce physical principles. Recommended Course Background: AS.173.111
Days/Times: Th 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Room: Bloomberg 165 D
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.115 (01)
Classical Mechanics Laboratory
M 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Mumford, Reid
Fall 2025
Experiments chosen to complement the lecture course Classical Mechanics I, II AS.171.105-AS.171.106 and introduce students to experimental techniques and statistical analysis. Corequisite: AS.171.105.
Classical Mechanics Laboratory AS.173.115 (01)
Experiments chosen to complement the lecture course Classical Mechanics I, II AS.171.105-AS.171.106 and introduce students to experimental techniques and statistical analysis. Corequisite: AS.171.105.
Days/Times: M 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Instructor: Mumford, Reid
Status: Open
Seats Available: 36/36
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.173.115 (02)
Classical Mechanics Laboratory
Th 6:00PM - 8:50PM
Mumford, Reid
Fall 2025
Experiments chosen to complement the lecture course Classical Mechanics I, II AS.171.105-AS.171.106 and introduce students to experimental techniques and statistical analysis. Corequisite: AS.171.105.
Classical Mechanics Laboratory AS.173.115 (02)
Experiments chosen to complement the lecture course Classical Mechanics I, II AS.171.105-AS.171.106 and introduce students to experimental techniques and statistical analysis. Corequisite: AS.171.105.