On 2022 November 13 Sunday, my 2005 Nature essay,
"The mental Universe"
hit fifty thousand accesses.
    [Today?]     ... et, enfin, en Français !
And here is some lively DISCUSSION of my profound insight !

( And furthermore: we are all moving at 600 kilometers per second through the microwave background. No sickness bags provided. )
There are 10 kinds of people: those who know binary, and those who don't.
Are you satisfied with the size of your paycheck? I am ... but I do wish it came a bit more frequently.

WHO was it, that gave us BY FAR THE BEST proof OF the Pythagorean Theorem?


(Hamilton, Ontario)



... and WEB-PAGE

Live, and enjoy!

If this is your FIRST visit to my web page, there is an Entrance Exam !

Congratulations to 2022 Physics Nobelists Alain Aspect, John Clauser, and Anton Zeilinger,
"for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science"
These three won, but they won ONLY because all three PROVED that they were WRONG in their (silly) disbelief in Quantum Mechanics.
I "met" John Stewart Bell ages ago at the Baltimore Convention Center.
I overheard him saying to his interlocutor that "I often find that people who say they agree with me, really do not."

Switching from the sublime to the ridiculous: believe it or not, I may (perhaps!) be voting next week for Prime Minister of Britain.
I was advised of that possibility on 2022 October 20. There'd be 172,437 of us voting. (I'm American, but I am a Conservative party member: $35)
First, from
The Right Hononourable Sir Jake Berry, MP, and then, from Sean Duckworth, Head of Membership.
WaPo, Monday morning: "If only Sunak makes the cut, he will become the party's new leader, to be installed as Britain's prime minister.
If there are multiple candidates, Conservative lawmakers will vote on those names today,
before about 170,000 dues-paying party members pick the next prime minister in an online vote closing at 11 a.m. on Friday."
Congratulations to Rishi Sunak, PM (To-Be!) of Great Britain!
Part A of my post to Jennifer Rubin's column in the Washington Post
Part B of my post to Jennifer Rubin's column in the Washington Post

All of Dick Henry's scientific research and public outreach is supported by NASA's Maryland Space Grant Consortium.

Here is Dick's CV.

Although this, my web page, has, to a considerable extent, morphed into a public-service effort focused on bringing everyone into the circle of physics,
my professional research continues at a good pace. The best way to see "what I do" is to read this paper by me and colleagues:

The Mystery of the Cosmic Diffuse Ultraviolet Background Radiation

Perhaps YOU can solve the Mystery?

Simple observations of the cosmic UV background using the UV spectrometer ALICE aboard New Horizons (which is now > 55 AU from Earth ! )
could perhaps really SOLVE the mystery. That is mentioned in this speculative paper:

Discovery of an Ionizing Radiation Field in the Universe

ALICE will provide spectra in the critical range 600 Å to 1200 Å, which can only be measured at vast distances from the Sun.
That is because closer to the Sun, the Sun's extremely bright Lyman Alpha (1216 Å) radiation scatters to all wavelengths causing chaos.
We will be looking where no one has looked before!

Here is Dick Henry's PREDICTION of what we will see

...adapted from Table 1 of Spitzer & Greenstein, ApJ, 114, 407

After recombination (year 375,000) almost every proton in the universe was part of a Hydrogen (or Helium) atom.
The universe was entirely filled with nothing but neutral hydrogen and neutral helium.
( Well: except for un-recombined Lithium, Beryllium, and Boron, in trace amounts! )
But today almost EVERY SINGLE ONE of those atoms has been ionized!
My PREDICTION figure shows what I think ionized all that hydrogen!

NEWSBREAK! I have just been alerted (by APL) that the critical observations requested
by Professor Murthy (and me) are being made: TODAY, 2021 September 24 Friday!
I've not seen these spectra yet.
2020 May 20, I have finally seen them, and they have problems. Sigh!
The New Horizons Extended Mission BEGAN on 2020 October 1. Professor Murthy and I are 'Collaborators', and we are VERY happy at being that!
We are honored to be associated with a great team. Pluto rocks!

Here is the talk I gave in Boston on 2023 October 27 Friday

Don't you WONDER what's going on?

I am devoted to the exploration of the universe's UV background radiation! That is my professional research!

But also, as a citizen of USA, and of planet Earth, I am fanatically devoted to spreading my ( limited ! ) understanding of our Universe.

If your car moves at 60 miles per hour, it is only moving at 0.000,000,089 of the speed of light.
But even so, the speed of light is STILL VERY SLOW: for the Universe is VERY-VERY-VERY large!

... and so, away we go now into ... The Universe of the Human Mind !

NO calculus: you will ONLY need your High School ALGEBRA,

BUT: your High School ALGEBRA is ESSENTIAL !

First let us set a relaxed MOOD for our ventures into our universe!

And now ... let us explore the mental universe !

...followed by the FINAL EXAM

WHO proved the Pythagorean Theorem?


The mass of our Earth is 9 mm: it is only because our Earth is much bigger than that, that Earth is not a black hole.
The mass of the Sun is a mile: it is only because our Mr. Sun is much bigger than that, that our own Sun is not a black hole.
All of those billions of rotating black holes out there in the universe are singularities (that is: they are RINGS, having ZERO width).

How I discovered the utterly trivial origin (from spacetime symmetry) of Quantum Mechanics:

It was in 1990, when I was (only) fifty years old, that Dick Henry discovered

the Origin of Quantum Mechanics

The first time that oh-so young Dick Henry taught RELATIVITY (in the hope of understanding it) was a great disappointment.
Things shortening in the direction of motion! Time slowing down! All crazy stuff! Do we live in a loony universe ?
But: the text that I used (ridiculously) taught relativity from "Einstein's two Postulates".

HOWEVER, Thank God, for the following year's class I chose a text that taught from FOUR VECTORS! And Sunlight burst through !

So I said to myself, "In the light of that huge difference, I'll bet even Quantum Mechanics can be discovered to be natural and expected !!".
So, I spent the next summer at (WWII-famous) P-Division, Los Alamos, writing my paper "Quantum Mechanics Made Transparent".
I knew right then that I'd made a MAJOR discovery.
Four referees, all four 100% supportive! Joy!
American J. of Physics, 58 (11), Nov 1990, 1087.

But, I am baffled that physicists never reference my paper, and don't seem even to WANT to understand quantum mechanics.
And Nobel Prizes are handed out to folks who tried to disprove quantum mechanics, which is absurd!
I saw a quote from John Clauser: he still seems to think that QM is incomprehensible!

Quantum mechanics is utterly simple:
Here's My Movie establishing that Quantum Mechanics is inevitable
and therefore guaranteeing that a deterministic universe is impossible.

I didn't discover quantum mechanics, but I sure as hell have explained it!
I think of myself as, doing for quantum mechanics, what Hermann Minkowski did for special relativity.
Indeed, what Hermann accomplished (without understanding it!) can be clearly seen now as a first baby step toward what I completed:
discovery of the fundamental role of human-invented algebra in the observations that we call the universe.

(If Hermann had lived, would Hermann have won some kind of prize? I do wonder!)

Anyway, this is petty: what I've done is far more important than discovering "where quantum mechanics comes from".
What I've really done is, I've verified that Pythagoras was right,
when he asserted that "Number is All Things", and hence, that creation is mental.
I discovered in 1990 that quantum mechanics is necessarily true [and I (peer-reviewed) published]. But, no one seems to have noticed.

Here is the critical frame from the movie.

That ONE slide shows that quantum mechanics is trivial, and that it follows INEVITABLY from spacetime symmetry.

THAT is my vitally important discovery. ( You know ... I think maybe my discovery is a, well ... breakthrough ? )

Hey, if you could magically visit Isaac Newton (in his later years) how long would it
take you (using the Socratic method) to have Newton discover quantum mechanics?

Oh, how I weep for Richard Feynman! Of course we are all fools.

We know that the Universe is vastly larger than our visible universe. Is it infinite?
I suspect not. I strongly suspect that the size of the so-called Universe is (you guessed it) 1.
( Maybe we should call it, er... a "half-vast" Universe ? )

My web page strictly limits itself to PEER-REVIEWED ROCK-SOLID PHYSICS, and eschews "my own pet ideas" (not that I have any!).
AN EXCEPTION: I can't help speculating regarding the reality of the conventional separation of Special and General relativity. No apology!
The larger (and frustrating) point is that established rock-solid physics most definitely
INCLUDES things that are NOT taught to students, and that are rarely discussed.
It is a tragedy that while physics provides us with deep insight into the nature of reality, most people don't know that!
That is the reason that I wrote my Nature essay, "The mental Universe", and that is why I keep expanding this web page.

Photons are a handy myth; they don't exist. Example: in the Sun's atmosphere, say an electron drops to a lower-energy state.
And say the energy released appears 8 minutes later in a detector on Earth (your eye). You say "photon" !! That's all.
If something actually moved between the Sun and the Earth, the 8 minute time taken tells us it is moving at the speed of light,
which means that TIME has not just slowed down for the putative "photon", it has stopped completely.
So as far as our putative photon is concerned, IT came into existence on the SUN and ZERO seconds later it TERMINATED in your eye, on Earth.
In other words, it existed for a grand total of ZERO seconds! "PHOTON" is a myth that is useful for discussing what happens.

Do Black Holes EXPAND? Let's ask the ghost of Karl Schwarzschild!

It is trivial to explain WHY the Universe is expanding.
The Universe is expanding simply because time is passing, that's all.

I have edited Wikipedia to reflect this insight.

They first added (reference needed), and a few days later took my contribution down.
That's fair enough; you are not supposed to publish original research on Wikipedia.
So I wonder what I should do now? Submit it to PRL? I'll have to think about it!

It seems clear to me that the acceleration of the expansion of the universe
might just as well be caused simply by TIME passing 'faster and faster' (exponentially?).
We are not in a position to be able to detect any such change. Sigh!

I suggest a tangent function between -π/2 and +π/2 to describe the radius R of the universe, from the big bang onward.
Well, OK, not exactly that (negative!) but something like that. Mathematical, not 'physical', is the point.

Sure, the above is just idle speculation. I don't apologize for it! Got to have some fun! And who knows...
("A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.")

I'll bet you a nickel that Pythagoras had "perfect pitch." NUMBER IS ALL THINGS !

Lewis Carroll Epstein: "Algebra is a wonderful invention. It enables fools to do physics without understanding."

( Curved HILBERT Space? C'mon, Steve! You've surely got to be kidding! )
(Of course there is the famous HORROR MOVIE, "The Complex Creature from Hilbert Space" ?)
All kidding aside, it is VERY helpful to the rest of us, when 'brilliant' people stumble.
Steve never understood that QM is produced trivially (and inevitably) as a result of simple, natural, expected symmetries!
(And Steve was NOT ALONE in that regard: see our three 2022 Physics Nobel Prize winners !!!)

I was 29 years old, and I flew to Cape Canaveral to join the crowd watching men being launched to land on the Moon.
And you know, I like to think ... to dream ... that I saw a 99 year old man in that crowd: perhaps in a wheel chair?
And that wonderful old man's NAME? It was ERNEST GREEN DODGE 1903 !

Uh-oh! An Ernest Green Dodge, born in 1870, died in Washington DC in 1954, 3 years BEFORE Sputnik! Sad!


UFOs and NASA : a visit to the distant past. (I received a comment on the paper from President Carter )
I consider NASA's piddly ("nothing classified" !) new UFO effort a farce (but led by a superb scientist).
Note that NASA Administrator Bill Nelson did recently say he had seen the classified UFO report when serving in the Senate.
"The hair stood up on the back of my neck," he said.

The Spergel Report? FOUR HOURS on UFO's! 2023 May 31 at 2:30 PM Eastern.
I don't know Dave Spergel personally, BUT he is a genius: I WILL BE WATCHING THIS !! I did: YAWN !
The SPERGEL REPORT on UFOs A Black Hole! Please do not bother to read this! Why? Well, DO read THIS:
The SPERGEL REPORT's baby-talk final paragraph, complete gibberish! Grade? D-

Here are MY OWN (year 2002) ponderings on UFOs

Black Holes: Submitted to WaPo 2022 July 7, DECLINED, same day.
( Black Holes:   GOSH! WaPo just made me feel MUCH better! )

Click on the picture, to see how I used MATHEMATICA to plot that INFALLING ORBIT:

Here is a bit more on my Mathematica orbit plots.

(For some years, I was a beta-tester for Mathematica!)

And here is a new and sharpened M87 Black Hole image that makes me feel right there !

I intensely dislike parsecs as a unit of distance! The light year (3.26 parsecs) is vastly superior.
A parsec is "the distance at which the mean radius of the EARTH'S orbit subtends an angle of one second of arc"
C'mon!! The ANGULAR radius of the Earth's ORBIT, in a unit of distance for the vast universe ? That is simply nuts!
I think "parsec" is often used because it sounds so "scientific", while "light year" sounds kinda science-fiction.
But light-travel-time actually TELLS you something!

... not a joke! 38 zeros ... think TITANIC BATTLE-OF-FORCES, inside both the proton and the neutron!
HUGE electromagnetic REPULSION between the two up quarks in the proton.
and, also, HUGE REPULSION in the neutron, between the two down quarks .
---- it is frightening ! ----
But just HOW BIG are those quarks?
Well, that hydrogen atom is about 1 Ångstrom in size
,             while a proton is 0.0000168         Ångstrom in diameter.
A quark is less than 0.00000000001 Ångstrom in size!
(Keep all of that in mind, while you are looking at my silly-huge red, and black, filled circles!)
Maybe picture a proton (or a neutron) as a plate of gluon spaghetti, having just three TINY meatballs, all near their edges.

A Uranium ATOM is only 7 times LARGER than a Hydrogen ATOM despite being 238 times more massive.

Why? Hey, just think about it!

Gluons are MASSLESS, which means that they are always moving AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT.
For a proton (or for a neutron) their three quarks only provide maybe 2% of their total mass.
BUT without that 2% anchor, all of the atoms in the universe would be always moving at the speed of light Yikes !!!

The electromagnetic repulsion between quarks of the same sign,
goes as the inverse SQUARE of their TINY separation (which equals the SHORT range of the gluons) !

When you shake hands with someone, it is one vacuum, shaking hands with another vacuum.
Your skin is your bumpy outer layer of electrons. Your layer of negative electrons repels the other person's layer of negative electrons.

If you should shake hands with an alien who is made of anti-matter, your hands would STICK TOGETHER. (Briefly, of course!)

Oh, and by the way, there is also a fourth force, the "Weak" force (much weaker than electromagnetic; much stronger than gravitation),
which causes any free neutron to decay into a proton, an electron, and an anti-neutrino, in about 15 minutes!
So 15 minutes after the Big Bang, almost ALL the neutrons in the universe disappeared (changed into protons).
(Well, actually, a lot survived in Helium, but Helium just sits around doing nothing.)
Only a very few survived, being luckily trapped in the trace amounts of Beryllium, Boron, and Lithium that were made in the Big Bang.
(The neutrons that are in YOU were all made in the interiors of stars, billions of years after the Big Bang.)

How about a FIFTH force? Yes, one shows up every few years, but then, they always fade away!

The neutron-to-proton mass ratio is ONLY 1.0014 !
(which is what makes it energetically POSSIBLE for the neutron to decay, as free neutrons do.)
The only reason that there are still ANY neutrons today,
is that some found safe haven in He, Li, Be, or B, in the Big Bang,
while others were created, much later, deep inside stars, in the creation of heavier atomic nuclei.

OK, if the electron in the figure has zero angular momentum, it should fall STRAIGHT into the nucleus,
and merge with an UP quark to make a DOWN quark. So, everything should be nothing but neutrons!
If you don't know WHY that does NOT happen, you haven't read enough on this long page!

How long ago (it seems to me, at 84) that the Stanford Linear Accelerator told us
that the PROTON is NOT an ELEMENTARY particle! That the proton has SIZE and that it has STRUCTURE.
And then the HORRENDOUS calculations began, successfully, on supercomputers: to nail that structure down !

Oh yes, we've also explored the Solar System, haven't we!
The density of water is 1.0     Earth's average density is 5.5     But Saturn's density is only 0.7
which means that if you put Saturn in your bathtub, it would float. When you took Saturn out, it would leave a ring ...
... please forgive me ... hey, perhaps the most important object (other than Earth/Moon) circling our Sun is Asteroid Richardhenry ?
Here is the citation. (I did my PhD observing at Kitt Peak!)

A 3-minute (somewhat boring) TRIBUTE, to Johannes Kepler ! (AND to Tycho Brahe: for his fantastic observations!)

The LOW eccentricities of Mercury (Einstein) & Mars (Kepler)

Albert Einstein's TRULY WONDERFUL theories of Special; and then General; RELATIVITY !

And then, here, I extract, and focus on, the single most VITAL portion of Einstein's relativity:
the MAGIC of human-invented ALGEBRA.

( The difference between reading something, and grasping something, is night and day! )

Our five most important mathematical insights: and ALL descended from Pythagoras.

PYTHAGORAS RULES ! Yes, I know my site is chaotic. Here's help: the above link gets to one heart of it. Important!

Here's MORE help.

The OTHER side of the Moon: featuring the Sea of Moscow.

3D space IS intriguing: Your head, is a 3D sphere: you can't comb away your crown, try as you may!
In contrast, on a hairy 2D circle, the hair CAN BE combed flat EVERYWHERE:

Now imagine a 4D hypersphere covered with hair!
Could THAT be combed flat everywhere? YES IT CAN!
How do we know that? The power of mathematics: it is certain!

That fact is JOYOUS for humankind! Algebra gives us (thank God ? ) a clear window into possible worlds that don't exist,
allowing us to DEEPLY understand our OWN universe (which at least SEEMS to exist)! True JOY !!

I've never studied field theory. But here are important mathematical results for fields in our universe:
The only mathematically-possible values for the spin angular momentum, for any field in our four-dimensional universe, are:

spin 0   The Higgs (which gives masses to the other fields)
spin 1/2   The electron, muon, and tau (and also their neutrinos), and all of the quarks
spin 1   the photon (the electromagnetic field), and the W± & Z0 bosons (the weak force), and the 8 types of gluon (the strong force)

If you think there are MORE THAN FOUR dimensions (I don't) then your menu is extended:

spin 1 1/2   (Nothing observed so far!)
spin 2   The (hypothetical) Graviton

I have LONG been WELL AWARE, that FOUR-dimensional-spaces are, mathematically, UNIQUE !
This property of 4D is, I expect, what creates 'space' for the strong; weak; and electromagnetic force fields. MATHEMATICS, not physics.

The GAUSSIAN CURVATURE of SPACETIME near, at, and inside, each and every BLACK HOLE is ZERO !!!

When I first realized that, I was stunned!!
So I stopped dear Leon Madansky (our best physicist) in the hall, to test whether HE knew it!
"Trick question, Leon: the Gaussian Curvature of spacetime near, at, and inside, a black hole is: A) positive, B) negative, C) zero".
Leon gulped, and guessed...."negative". That was wonderful for me. I was getting somewhere!
(Actually, the answer is OBVIOUSLY zero, because if the answer WERE non-zero, the sign would depend on choice of convention.)
Mind you, an ordinary sewer pipe also has Gaussian curvature (which is LOCAL) zero. (A bird's egg is locally-curved everywhere.)
So if you fall in a black hole, until you hit the singularity, your ONLY danger is tidal-force STRETCHING! (So curl up!)

The only way to make an Earth, is to make a Universe.

To ME the MOST FANTASTIC thing about Black Holes is:
that it was a friend of mine's father who MATHEMATICALLY-PREDICTED their existence !

( Please do not tell me that the Universe is not mental ! )

MY FRIEND was the late, dear, Martin Schwarzschild.

Here is some GOOD ADVICE, for young and old!

AND: here is a WISE non-physicist's take on ELECTRONICS!

Don't get me wrong: I don't recommend Kenn's book to anyone!
I just applaud Kenn's realization that "electrons" aren't real things.
Such realization is rare, and it should be strongly encouraged.

Almost everyone, including most physicists, believes that there are electrons. There are not!
There are, of course, measurements that can be, and almost always are, misattributed to a 'particle'.
A 'particle' is a thing. Well, an electron is not a thing! And so we realize that there are no things. Only observations!

The fact that photons are purely mythical, is EASY to realize !

Say, in the sun's atmosphere a photon comes into existence (from some atomic transition).
And say that that photon eight minutes later enters your eye where it ceases to exist.
That photon has clearly moved always AT the speed of light
so time has not just slowed down for that photon: TIME has STOPPED COMPLETELY.
That photon has therefore existed for a GRAND total of ZERO seconds !

No photons EVER exist: it's a bum concept!
(And neither do electrons or anything else for that matter).

Just 130 years before publication of Newton's "Principia",
Robert Recorde (of Oxford and Cambridge, 1512 - 1558, Welsh) introduced something totally new to mathematics:

The equals sign

Not a single equation ( no, not even 2 + 2 = 4 ) had ever before been written down.

( That PLUS sign, +, HAD been used on the continent: but, it was Recorde who introduced it to Britain. )

Robert did not have the slightest realization of the crucial importance of his "tiny" innovation.

In December of 1968, I looked out of the airplane's window at the bright Moon. And I thought,
"I am on my way to South American for the first time; and humans, also for the first time, are on their way to the Moon!"
Those three Americans orbited the Moon 10 times, before heading home to parachute into the Pacific Ocean.
How fast did they travel during those 10 orbits? Much, much, SLOWER, than when satellites orbit the Earth.
The period of a spacecraft orbiting a moon or planet, depends ONLY on the DENSITY of that moon or planet.
(Example: As soon as we put a satellite into orbit around the planet Mercury, we knew its density: ~ EQUAL to that of Earth!)
To orbit the Earth takes 90 minutes; to orbit our Moon takes two hours. The Moon is much lower density than the Earth.
Of course each orbit of the Moon is a much shorter distance than is an orbit of Earth.
Celestial trivia, but fun, and interesting!

In this day and age? Surely not DETERMINISM ?

... but Dr. Sabine Hossenfelder says:
"... So to summarize, no one has proved that reality doesn't exist and no experiment has confirmed this.
What these headlines tell you instead is that physicists slowly come to see that quantum mechanics
is internally inconsistent and must be replaced with a better theory, one that describes what physically happens in a measurement.
And when they find that theory, that will be the breakthrough of the century."

Colossal naïveté - hard to believe !

Reading her statement again, I now realize her problem: She thinks mathematics just describes.
No, Sabine: the world IS mathematical.

It puzzles me that folks such as Hossenfelder (and Einstein!) seem to actually WANT to be nothing but robots!
( Surely they can't yearn to be zombies ? )

To FULLY understand why the world must be quantum mechanical, just read this brilliant paper by the late Moshe Shapiro.

OK, yes, very mathy indeed. So, here is MY best effort
at showing how simple Quantum Mechanics REALLY IS !
Quantum mechanics originates in simple symmetries:
It is not even SLIGHTLY mysterious!

I attended a conference in Princeton many years ago. Chatted with friend John Wheeler!
At lunch, Bryce De Witt leaned over and said to me:
"Many Worlds are REAL and someday we will be able to visit them." Well,..... OK, Bryce!
I remember a science fiction story based on that.
Our travellers visited an Earth where Jack Kennedy had NOT been assassinated.
Elderly Jack Kennedy was fascinated! And Jackie was too! Jack asked, "Did Jackie re-marry? Who did she marry?"

When you step on those bathroom scales of yours ,   98%   of the number you read is contributed
by the KINETIC ENERGY of all of your ( MASSLESS ) GLUONS  

( massless gluons keep intact your protons and neutrons )

And on top of that, a typical person occupies a volume of about 62,000 cm3,
of which all but about 3 times 10-11 cm3 is vacuum. Hello ?

The only reason that people LOOK solid, is that LIGHT is ~ 5000 Ångstroms in size,
while peoples' atoms are only about 1 Ångstrom in size.
If, instead, you look with X-rays (much SHORTER wavelength), they DO NOT reflect: they just go right through!
You knew that !

High-School ALGEBRA ( 3 equations ! ) predicts Black Holes: showing the Universe to be mental.

When I say mental I mean mathematical. So why don't I just say that? I don't say that, because, while correct, that hides the truth.
You see mathematics is mental. If the "universe" is mathematical, then it is mental. So, I recognize that
we live in a mental universe.

And (by the way) that "seems to GO CRAZY" issue is a triviality: it is only a COORDINATE singularity, not a PHYSICAL singularity.
Indeed, Martin Kruskal was able to find a coordinate system in which there isn't any bizarre behavior at x = 2 m.
(Example of a familiar coordinate peculiarity: if you head north in Canada at longitude 90 degrees
you are not terrified, you are elated, when your GPS ABRUPTLY announces that you are now at longitude 270 degrees!)

I am fortunate to have been able to provide, for all possible black holes,
the expression for the Kretschmann scalar K = R α β γ δ R α β γ δ

The Black Hole's mass is m; its angular momentum is a; and its electrical charge is Q.
R is the Riemann Curvature Tensor. The great virtue of K is that it is a SCALAR: it does NOT depend on your choice of coordinate system.
Only if K goes to infinity is there a true singularity.

This (my year 2000) expression for K shows that, for every possible Black Hole, there MUST be a singularity,
and that its ONLY singularity is a RING, that diminishes to a point,
in the case of the Schwarzschild Black Hole (no angular momentum or electrical charge).
Sir Roger Penrose (of Wadham College Oxford) in 2020 most deservedly won the Nobel Prize for Physics
for having shown (in 1965) that EVERY Black Hole (not just Schwarzschild's, and my Kerr and Kerr-Newman) must contain a singularity!

Just for fun, you might enjoy scrolling through what Mathematica did for me! It will take you quite a while!
What's being calculated are the 17 geometric invariants of Zachary and Macintosh (zm)

When I was a graduate student at Princeton, a few of us, just for fun, went trick-or-treating
to the home of Eugene Wigner: who gave us candy!
(Wigner's famous paper appeared in 1960.)

Oh heck! Let's review Albert Einstein's FAMOUS SPECIAL RELATIVITY:

Einstein's famous 1905 Theory of Relativity ... turned out, in 1908, to be nothing but a trivial,
and obvious in hindsight, extension of the Pythagorean theorem.

(But! It is also the MOST IMPORTANT discovery in human history: telling us the amazingly simple nature of time.)

Just as you cannot go north of the North Pole,
so you also cannot go faster than one light-year per year.
(Click the movie to find out WHY that is so. Well, it is because algebra says so! No joke!)

    ← The view home (from L2)

How it all went with James Webb: just damn well Super! Thank God! Not another Hubble!

(You'll notice with shock that Henry's Full Moon         on December 18
does NOT come QUITE at the correct time, in this "Henry's Calendar" FORTRAN program!
Well, apologies! That is only because I did not take into account the eccentricity of the Moon's orbit.)

Click to see images of James Webb in flight!

...and see where Webb is NOW

and here is the first ALIGNED Webb image (of a bright star)

How it all began .........MORE From the archive:

The James Webb Space Telescope is about to be launched.
(The latest slip, of an enormous number, is to December 22, 2021....oops, 24...oops, 25 )

Today's the day! Counting down! ( Launch is at 7:20 Eastern )

Launch is successful! Go Webb!


        James Webb                                                   Ball Aerospace

I had dinner with James Webb in Princeton about 1964 at The Balt,
with Lyman Spitzer and Martin Schwarzschild and a number of my fellow graduate students.
James Webb was the Administrator of NASA.
( Poor dear Lyman, seated there with student Henry!
When Henry became Deputy Director, Astrophysics Division, NASA,
he presided over the peer review that did not select Lyman's camera for Hubble.
And Henry also helped overturn the NASA policy that the Space Telescope Science Institute MUST be sited in Princeton NJ.
And after Henry's return to Johns Hopkins he helped prepare the AURA proposal that put
the Space Telescope Science Institute at ... Johns Hopkins. )

Back in those days there were required foreign language exams for astronomy grad students: so you could read "the literature".
Today "the literature" is almost 100% in English, but, that was then. Princeton required two (2!) foreign languages.
As a Canadian, naturally I chose French as one, and Lyman was my examiner.
He asked me to translate a paragraph from a paper in Annales d'Astropysique.
I got all but "grisâtre" which I guessed meant "grayish". Lyman said he didn't know it either.
But, I had to have a SECOND language: I chose German, and I took a Princeton course for folks like me.
A trivial exam resulted in a nice letter praising my extensive knowlege of German. I put it in Schwarzschild's mailbox,
because Martin administered the German exam for the department. Well! Returned, with a scribbled "PASS!"
That made me nervous, for fear that Martin would stop me in the hall, and start speaking German.
So I memorized Gefunden, von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ; I still know it!

ALGEBRA: the greatest human discovery ever!

The highest-entropy places in the universe are
all those black holes:

I don't really approve of silly stuff such as this picture:
BUT it is SO well done that I simply cannot resist:

Here is an accurate movie, showing what happens to a black hole as its angular momentum is INCREASED.

Perhaps the LOWEST-entropy place, in the entire universe, is the surface of our planet Earth: because of our Life !

Do TENSORS make you tense? The cure is simple!

You will (perhaps) have noticed that, in my "page two" on relativity, General Relativity, I DO introduce tensors:
BUT without naming them as such! That is deliberate: I know, from personal experience, that the word 'tensor' can be terrifying to the newbie.

Hey, to relax you further from tensors, here is a movie I made of sunspots (drawn by Galileo).
( Safari browser: Best to SLOW the speed to 0.5 [click, bottom right corner]. Slows it down! )

Albert Einstein's most consequential paper, his E = m c2 paper, is VERY SHORT.
I have highlighted in red the most notable parts: his infamous postulate(s!),
and also his very famous conclusion: which, exactly 40 years later, resulted in Nagasaki and Hiroshima !
And here is the original German.

Oh, and by the way: TIME is not imaginary!
But it still baffles me that NO ONE tried just damn well adding a minus-sign-term to the Pythagorean theorem! NO ONE.
We humans have sluggish brains!
That gives me hope that we may STILL be missing something extremely simple, somehow!

Newton's "Principia" is the highly-mathematical volume, that is the foundation stone of all of physics!
Now, I live in the State of Maryland, USA. Of course I don't know the names of most of the rivers in Maryland!
Well, I was UTTERLY FLABBERGASTED, some years ago when I was casually leafing through Principia ... hey, I'm that kind of guy!...WHEN,
to my UTTER ASTONISHMENT (I almost typed ASTRONISHMENT), my Eagle Eye caught mention of Hunting Creek, in Maryland!
OK: the next time I update these pages, I will DISPLAY that here! In the meantime, your fun challenge is:
How, how, how, can that POSSIBLY be true?

It is true: just: Click Me!

Arthur Storer was a childhood friend of Isaac Newton.
Newton's childhood list of "Confessions of Sins", includes the Sin of "Beating Arthur Storer".

And now, let's look at:

A) where physics started: with Galileo (you will be shocked, when you CARRY OUT the SIMPLE experiment!),

and B) where physics is today (you will be horrified, when you see the equations!)

So, what are we to make of all that?

Here is the closest anyone has come to discovering how to unite gravitation (Galileo, Newton, Einstein) with quantum physics (Schrödinger et al.)
It is called: Anti-de Sitter Space / Conformal Field Theory,
and since I can never remember which is which, I decided to make this HANDY GUIDE TO AdS/CFT:

This was discovered by Juan Maldacena, many years ago.
It lighted a fire among theorists
hoping for the elusive "theory of everything".

Well, still elusive!

Here's a blow-up of our one Hydrogen atom, to help with this:

CLICK, for a few MORE hydrogen atom states! I made these long ago in Mathematica: I wish I had made a lot more!
Have you ever seen any like these? I've not! It is almost as if the physics community fears them!
(Hey! I just found on the web ALL the lowest-energy hydrogen wave functions! The probability densities
(MY plots, which are all that has has any physical meaning) are the SQUARES of these.
And do keep in mind: EACH OF THESE IS ONE ELECTRON.)

Steven Weinberg has died at 88! I enjoyed a lengthy correspondence with Steve as I worked my way through his great GR book.
But I was stunned when on opening the weekly Physical Review Letters in my mail, I realized he was nuts! Another Rindler (see below)!
I wish I'd done something about it. But finally, Polchinski did: Polchinski skewers Weinberg!

Let me explain what that Weinberg-Polchinski business is all about: because it is important.
Steve Weinberg clearly learned quantum mechanics the way we all do, taking a class and reading a book.
I did too, of course. BUT! I wondered where QM comes from: Why QM?
I set out to find out why, and I succeeded: QM is not an option, it is necessary:
That is why I was so stunned when Steve's so-clearly-moronic paper appeared.
Steve had not the faintest idea what quantum mechanics was about!

( When I first taught Quantum Mechanics decades ago I chose Dicke & Wittke as the class text: I knew Bob Dicke!
But, as I created my lectures from the material in the book, my heart sank !
Every chapter a new postulate! including a postulate with a footnote ! containing a reference ! to a book ! in German ! )

Why do I say all this? If you click and look at those so-called 'postulates' your heart sinks!
You'll say, "I'll never understand quantum mechanics."
But: it has been proven that if simple, natural, space-time symmetries are present in our universe,
quantum mechanics results AUTOMATICALLY.
Dicke and Wittke CAN BE TOTALLY IGNORED, in terms of understanding.

[ How I wish a miracle could occur: suddenly instead of being 84 I'm 34, but still know all that I know now!
And it would help if I were smarter/more mathematical.
Then I would write a book laying out physics in clean and simple terms for all!
And one more miracle: I'd succeed in cleaning up our whole system of units. Including, of course, calendar! ]

What the universe actually contains is atomic nuclei, plus electrons. That's about it!
People are made of molecules, not atoms. The mass of a water molecule is 18.02 amu, while the mass of an electron is 0.00055 amu.
So each water molecule in your body is 32,764 times heavier than an electron.
NO ONE HAS ANY IDEA WHY AN ELECTRON'S MASS IS WHAT IT IS: if it were much different, it would be catastrophic for life!
If the electron were a factor 2 more massive, we would be only half our size: and so would the Earth.
However, the surface gravity on Earth would be four times greater than it is.
But if the electron were just a factor FOUR more massive than it is, then all electrons would have combined with protons, making NEUTRONS!
If the electron were only half its mass, we would be twice as big (and could fly?) and so would the Earth: but, not the Sun!

How did the universe decide on a value for the mass of the electron? Most interesting physics question I know!

The Discovery of the electron!

Most interesting physics question I know...

Postscript: "Why not the Sun" you ask? Because the Sun is fully ionized: (almost) NO atoms at all, much less molecules.
The gas in the sun is hot (4000 degrees or more) so the kinetic energy of the electrons and nuclei provide pressure, preventing collapse.

Then there's the HYDROGEN ATOM:
A hydrogen ATOM has size ONLY because of the uncertainty principle.
After all, the electron is negative and the proton positive, so they should merge.
The only reason they don't is the uncertainty principle, or rather, QM itself.

You (and the Earth) are "all-molecules"; without the uncertainty principle, you would be vastly smaller than one atom.
Of course, you may say, planets are attracted to the Sun, by gravity, but they don't fall INTO the Sun do they?
Yes, BUT in hydrogen's ground state, its one electron has ZERO angular momentum.
IF Earth's angular momentum magically vanished we would fall straight into the Sun (It'd take 65 days).

A child's balloon does not collapse, because of the kinetic energy of the He atoms. Just like the Sun!
A white dwarf star does not collapse, only because of the uncertainty principle.
That's of course unless it does collapse for some reason, in which case it becomes a neutron star.
A neutron star does not collapse, only because of the uncertainty principle.
Dumping stuff onto it increases the inward gravitational force; big enough: it collapses: to a mathematical point!

Lewis Carroll Epstein: Algebra is wonderful! It enables fools to do physics without understanding.

That is no joke! Wolfgang Rindler was a highly-regarded relativist, whose OWN WORDS show that he had not the faintest
understanding of special relativity. From his book "Essential Relativity" I quote: "Note that, according to (50.3), the inertial
mass of a particle increases from a minimum of m0 at v = 0 to infinity as v approaches c. We should not be too surprised at
this, since there must be some process in nature to prevent particles from being accelerated beyond the speed of light."

If your jaw does not drop at that, you are part of the problem.

(Think of it this way: suppose a famous professional geographer said
"I do wish we could find out WHAT IT IS that prevents explorers from going farther north than the north pole!")

EDDINGTON: The Nature of the Physical World
Best physics book ever! A joy! yes, tedious in spots, but, utterly wonderful: written AMIDST the discovery of quantum mechanics!

As a teenager, I found Eddington's great book which is where I learned of the mental character of creation.

In 2005, I submitted an unsolicited essay to Nature, unaware that they were planning to invite famous physicists to do the same. The result:
"Physics, complexity and causality," by George F. R. Ellis (4,578 accesses; 71 citations; 13 Altmetric)
"Dynamic Universe," by Freeman Dyson (849 accesses; 2 citations; 0 Altmetric)
"The mental Universe," by Richard Conn Henry (66,000 accesses; 27 citations; 71 Altmetric)
"The message of the quantum," by Anton Zeilinger (4,787 accesses; 81 citations; 63 Altmetric)

JUST OUT (2021 May) in Physics Today

At last! A concise (one-page) version: with minimal mention of superfluous c.

Think! the first item is SEEING two squares on the screen of your computer.
The second item is diagrams (but no algebra yet).
The third, and crucial, item is: ALGEBRA!
Algebra allows minus signs. Which exist only in our minds.
The universe turns out to be mental.

Developing this took us centuries!
No one ever imagined that the universe could turn out to be so simple, behind the scenes.
But it DID !

And here's a two-page version, with GENERAL relativity now included!

A friendly dispute between Dick Henry and Sir Winston Churchill ( scroll down ! )
(Dr. Johnson said "I refute it thus!", and kicked a stone. Childish! Winston Churchill puts Dr. Johnson to shame.)

The mathy pages below are designed for people who are excellent readers of English, but are not yet real readers of equations.
(Recall that when you long ago learned to read, at first you 'sounded out', and then you read word-by-word, and, soon, you read effortlessly.)
My math pages are designed specifically for you. Just calm down, and take your time over EVERY equation. Each is vital! There's no hurry.
(Don't make the error, 'I'm not interested in the math - tell me the physics.' The math IS the physics. It took us AGES to realize that!)

General Relativity (GR) predicted Black Holes!       [ which includes, as a bonus: The Universe is EXPLODING ! ]

Battle of the Titans! Einstein v. Newton!

A single-page version: "Einstein discovers the nature of TIME"

OK, now you've looked at that. Let me now tell you what you are supposed to get out of it:
First, the Pythagoras squares are ACTUAL PHYSICAL PARTS OF THE WORLD that our senses (fortunately) report to us accurately.
That is NOT true in general: Evolution has no interest in truth, only in your survival to reproduce.
So in our world [ at least so it seems: but I DO believe to be actual, simply because it predicts SO MUCH correctly (by experiment)! ]
'the square on the hypotenuse IS equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides'.
Second: the rotation diagram is merely to get you accustomed to the idea of invariance under a transformation, that's all!
(Mind you, conceivably the universe COULD have been made funny so that when you rotate an arrow in space it lengthens or shortens...)
BIG DEAL: so far, it's all direct human perception: no active role for ANY symbols. And then! miracle! Algebra is invented!
how boring....the algebra equation below the arrow diagram just sums up what we already KNEW by OBSERVATION of the ACTUAL universe.
Pictures (our first whack) and diagrams (our second whack) do NOT permit MINUS SIGNS!
Greatest human discovery ever!
It is my belief that Hamilton tried this, but rejected it because it led to a speed limit which seemed nonsense.
Which just makes us realize how stupendous is the discovery
that human-invented ALGEBRA (of all things!) gifts us with the secrets of the universe.

I've now created a second page, included AFTER the single-page version that is linked above:

A follow-on page: "Einstein discovers the ATOMIC BOMB"

Since 2020-August, more than 500 people have visited this page!

I am celebrating that, by giving all of you a HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT!

Here's the deal.
I am asking for the help of each and every one of you, in bringing the whole world up to date on physics.
There are huge numbers of people who know the Pythagorean Theorem AND who also know that E = m c2
But except for you and me, almost NOBODY knows that you can trivially derive the latter from the former!
I request that you download and send


to everyone you know, with your endorsement.
And with the request that THEY copy it out on paper so they absorb it, AND then send it on with THEIR endorsement to everyone they know.
Within a few weeks everyone on earth will know that E = m c2 was predicted, pretty much, by Pythagoras, 2500 years ago!

If you think (incorrectly) that the universe is real — well, here is a cheerful discussion of the issues:

Dick Henry spars with Art Hobson (2009)

Here is some more on the electron spin argument

Quantum Mechanics is NOT mysterious.

Congratulations to → Arizona Senator Mark Kelly !

Black Holes! Strongly CURVED spacetime! NO ESCAPE!

Trick question: The Gaussian Curvature of spacetime near, at, and inside, an isolated black hole is: A) positive B) negative C) zero

If you think you know General Relativity, don't answer too quickly, my friend!

Gotcha! The correct answer is OBVIOUSLY zero. After all, the vacuum field equations are Rμν = 0

The Gaussian curvature (which is exactly what we humans normally think of as THE curvature)
is simply the sum of the diagonal terms in Rμν

I've never read that in any book on General Relativity. If you know of such a statement let me know page number: henry@jhu.edu
[The Riemann curvature tensor has 256 components, of which twenty (20) are independent. Only if all twenty are zero is the spacetime flat.
The Ricci tensor Rμν is a contraction of the Riemann tensor; it has 16 components.
The curvature we are accustomed to is the contraction of that.]

If this interests you, I've prepared a 4-page-long derivation of Einstein's General Relativity and its application to cosmology: → EINSTEIN !

Dick Henry is → a former President of The Streit Council for a Union of Democracies.

Here is the Council's → Board of Directors.

PHYSICS IS SIMPLE! (Text of the video)

Let's try fiction: "One Too Many" by Richard Conn Henry

More fiction: "Ice" by Richard Conn Henry

CLICK HERE →   to get today's (correct!) date – AND
you will also get the exact TIME ← EVERYWHERE on Earth

... or, maybe, you want the (primitive!) local date/time? Well, the locals believe that it is  


Most people say that here in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, the date-and-time are:  

Academy Professor Richard Conn Henry

Dick's vitae   [short version]   [long version]

Dick is married to Dr Rita Mahon

Here is Einstein's Relativity...
(in a single page, plus a 'helpful-hints' page)

Once you've mastered that ONE page (sincere congratulations!)
you will want to also have a version that has the second ('helpful-hints') page replaced with:
What's Next: FORCES

and here's, finally, ALL of Physics ... in just 6 pages!


Fareed Zakaria:

Professor Steve Hanke and I were on CNN, on 2019 June 28, pushing for a

Single World Time Zone

Currently, your wristwatch does NOT TELL YOU what TIME it is:
it ONLY tells you (and only approximately!) the state of your DAYLIGHT situation!
Please: that's goofy, and worse: is really stupid!

Here is the exact time RIGHT NOW everywhere on Earth!

Professor Jayant Murthy and I presented, in Switzerland, a poster paper
proposing measurement of the spectrum of the cosmic ultraviolet background from
Interstellar Space!

Think you know what a Black Hole looks like? Well, you don't!
But, we now provide an accurate PICTURE of Black Hole interiors:
Dick Henry, with J.M. Overduin, M. Coplan, and K. Wilcomb, give a roadmap to rotating and/or charged black holes .

Black Holes: the Inside Story

Richard Conn Henry, Academy Professor, the Johns Hopkins University

Only by means of theory can we (mentally) see inside black holes. The usual method of displaying black holes misses the delightful geometric complexity of black holes' interiors, for critical to verity is the plotting of scalar quantities: vital because scalar quantities are independent of the adopted coordinate system. This is brought out in Wikipedia ( Kretschmann Scalar ) where my expression for the Kretschmann scalar for general black holes is referenced (and where the confirmation of my result, by Remo Ruffini and his colleagues, is also referenced). With my colleague Professor James Overduin of Towson University, I have now extended my evaluation of black hole scalars to include all possible black hole scalar quantities, thereby providing us with the greatest insight we will ever have into the interior structure of the black holes that pervade our galaxy, and indeed, that pervade our universe.

so now you can see insideA BLACK HOLE

Discover why it is that E = m c2

(Are you a student who has just taken Algebra 1 ?
Then you are ready to understand Einstein's relativity!)

(Are you easily offended ? If so, please do NOT click on the following guide to really understanding Special Relativity:

EXTRA HELP, for the slow of wit!)

Here are two versions of the documents above, in Microsoft Word (for downloading):

" E = m c2 " and " another version of E = m c2 "

Download the Movie!

If, by now, you are comfortable with + ds2 = + dx2 + dy2 + dz2 - dt2

then, do General Relativity : Black Holes: (just trivial high-school algebra is needed)

If you don't like dark matter, and/or if you don't like dark energy, well, there's hope for you!

Exotic SpaceTime !

If you didn't quite follow that, here's the layman's explanation:


Still having trouble? Then try this:


and keep in mind that we don't even know what the spaces between the real numbers of spacetime are filled with!
Maybe with real numbers; maybe NOT: perhaps with p-adic numbers!

Hey! Look THAT one up buster brown!


There are NO Friday-the-13ths in the Planet Earth calendar EVER

Professors Hanke and Henry hope to convince the world to adopt this new calendar:

You can Join the Calendar Reform Movement!

Précis:     Dick Henry joined the JHU Physics Department's faculty in 1968 as its first astronomer ever (the world-renowned astronomer Simon Newcomb [1835 - 1909] — the only previous JHU astronomer — was in the Math Department). As Deputy Director of NASA's Astrophysics Division (1976 -1978), Dick strongly supported his Astronomy Chief, Nancy Roman, in convincing Noel Hinners to require a contest for the hosting of the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), instead of simply putting it at Princeton. After Dick's return to JHU, Bill Fastie and Arthur Davidsen (a young astronomer hired with Dick's strongest support) succeeded in landing the STScI (now operating both HST and James Webb) on our own Homewood Campus. The result, today, is that there are now surely more astronomers working on the Homewood campus than there are scholars in any other field; and JHU itself, to everyone's astonishment, has become a world leader in Dick's field!   (Here's Dick's vitae   [short version]   [long version]) and, his publication pdf's)


Dick Henry was President of The Henry Foundation, Inc.,
which (until I recently closed it down) sponsored improved worldwide understanding of physics.

Visit Dick's Family Tree web site.

Dick has also been President of The Streit Council for a Union of Democracies.      

Richard Conn Henry is an Academy Professor in the Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts & Sciences at The Johns Hopkins University,
where he is also Research Professor in the Henry A. Rowland Department of Physics & Astronomy, and is also

Director, Maryland Space Grant Consortium

...and see also:       Mid-Atlantic Space Grant Consortium

, a member of the Principal Professional Staff, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory; and a member of the JHU Center for Astrophysical Sciences. Since 1991, Dick has also served as Director, Maryland Space Grant Consortium Observatory, which is located atop the Bloomberg Center for Physics and Astronomy, and which houses the Morris W. Offit telescope, a fine half-meter reflector. From 1998 until July 2000, Dick Henry was Chair of the National Council of Space Grant Directors, and, from its creation in 1991 until 2006 December 31, he served as Board Member and Treasurer of the National Space Grant Foundation. He was for many years a Director of the National Space Grant Alliance, a 501(c)(4) organization. From 1976 to 1978 he was Deputy Director of the Astrophysics Division of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA. He is a past Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellow. He was born in Toronto, Canada, in 1940, and he became a U. S. citizen in 1973.

Dr. Henry has more than two hundred publications, on topics including theoretical astrophysics, observational astronomy, radio astronomy, ultraviolet astronomy, and x-ray astronomy. For more information, please consult Henry's cv.

Dick Henry was graduated from Ridley College in 1957, and obtained a B.Sc. (1961) at University College, University of Toronto, where he won the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Gold Medal. He obtained an M.A. in 1962, and a Ph.D. at Princeton University in 1967. Dick likes re-reading the old Nero Wolfe novels.

He has been a Research Associate at the Institute for Advanced Study, research physicist at the U. S. Naval Research Laboratory, and a Lecturer at the Latin American School of Space Research in Argentina. He has conducted astronomical investigations at Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona, and at both Las Campanas and Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatories in Chile, and has participated in many rocket-astronomy experiments. Hey, so Dick is a rocket scientist. He has made observations using the Copernicus and IUE satellites and also the Hubble Space Telescope and the Mariner 9 spacecraft (at Mars), and was a co-investigator on Apollo 17 and also on the Apollo-Soyuz mission, and was a co-investigator on the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope. He was a Principal Investigator in the study of the lunar material, and he is the Principal Investigator for the Hopkins Ultraviolet Background Explorer (HUBE) , which was selected in 1996 April as a NASA MIDEX program alternate project. HUBE, in 2001, became a part of the highly-rated BEST round-three MIDEX mission. In 2003 HUBE was again proposed to NASA, this time as a SMEX candidate mission. But, sad to say, on 2003 November 4, the HUBE proposal was declined by NASA. Dick Henry has participated in eclipse expeditions to Quebec (in 1972), India (1980) and East Africa (1973 and 1980). He was a member of the group which discovered the first x-ray pulsar.

My hero is William Rowan Hamilton, who wrote the following unbelievable poem (Mathesis is the Greek goddess of science):

            THE TETRACTYS

Of high Mathesis, with her charm severe,
Of line and number, was our theme; and we
Sought to behold her unborn progeny,
And thrones reserved in Truth's celestial sphere:
While views, before attained, became more clear;
And how the One of Time, of Space the Three,
Might, in the Chain of Symbol, girdled be:
And when my eager and reverted ear
Caught some faint echoes of an ancient strain,
Some shadowy outlines of old thoughts sublime,
Gently he smiled to see, revived again,
In later age, and occidental clime,
A dimly traced Pythagorean lore,
A westward floating, mystic dream of FOUR.

four of space

"the One of Time, of Space the Three"

Can you believe that Hamilton, perhaps the greatest physicist who ever lived, missed Special Relativity, although his poem shows that he had it in his hand, under his nose (the RED parts of the poem)?                

Dick Henry ...

1 ... with J.M. Overduin, M. Coplan, and K. Wilcomb, provides a roadmap to rotating and/or charged black holes .
2 ... with his colleagues establishes yet more firmly the existence of mysterious UV radiation at high Galactic latitudes: "Components of the Diffuse Ultraviolet Radiation at High Latitudes," by M. S. Akshaya, Jayant Murthy, S. Ravichandran, R. C. Henry, and James Overduin, submitted to MNRAS, 2019. Some high latitude radiation is of course merely starlight scattered from dust, and so terminates at 911.8Å, BUT there is no reason for the "mystery source" not to extend below 911.8Å: and if it does so (and if is a feature of all galaxies) then it is surely the source of the reionization of the universe. But more importantly, the radiation itself must be due to SOMETHING ... and decay radiation of dark matter particles is the only available candidate ...
3 ... with his colleagues reaffirms the existence of mysterious UV radiation at high galactic latitudes: "The Diffuse Radiation Field at High Galactic Latitudes," by M. S. Akshaya, Jayant Murthy, S. Ravichandran, R. C. Henry, and James Overduin, ApJ 858:101 (9pp), 2018 May 10.
This radiation is NOT starlight scattered from dust!
4 ... draws attention to a vital paper by Tanvir et al. demonstrating (see their Figure 1) that we have a huge mystery on our hands: 99% of the hydrogen in the Universe is ionized, but we do not know what caused this ionization!
5 ...wonders if you know that 99% of your weight, when you step on the scales, is merely the kinetic energy of the massless gluons that hold together all your protons and neutrons? The mass of your quarks and electrons is negligible!
6 "Astrophysics with New Horizons: Making the Most of a Generational Opportunity," by Michael Zemcov, Iair Arcavi, Richard Arendt, Etienne Bachelet, Ranga Ram Chary, Asantha Cooray, Diana Dragomir, Richard Conn Henry, Carey Lisse, Shuji Matsuura, Jayant Murthy, Chi Nguyen, Andrew R. Poppe, Rachel Street, & Michael Werner, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 130:115001, 2018 November
7 Sums it all up:
General Relativity - natural! (curved spacetime is gravitation; OK!)
Quantum Mechanics - natural! (since observations are numbers, and simple symmetries are present; OK!)
Special Relativity: WHOA! HOLY SMOKES! A PYTHAGOREAN MINUS SIGN FOR TIME! The Universe knows ALGEBRA, which WE invented!
8 submitted to the ApJ, "Discovery of an Ionizing Radiation Field in the Universe", by Richard Conn Henry, Jayant Murthy, and James Overduin
And now take a look at the referee's report!
9 ... my PAPER How Einstein's Theory of Relativity Gives us E = mc2 and the Atomic Bomb at IAU 338 Gravitational Wave Astrophysics
10 ... my POSTER How Einstein's Theory of Relativity Gives us E = mc2 and the Atomic Bomb at IAU 338 Gravitational Wave Astrophysics
11 ... presented The Physics of our Universe at Multifrequency Sicily
12 ... presented Ultraviolet Background Radiation from Beyond Pluto at Multifrequency Sicily
13 ... asks you: Do you know the Pythagorean theorem (and high-school algebra)? If yes, and you would like to know WHY E = mc2  then !!-Click Me-!!

OK, next up! WHO was Arthur Storer? Juar googe him. Childhood friend of Newton!

14 ... Do you know that the Gaussian curvature of spacetime near, at, and inside a Black Hole is zero ?   (a lot of physicists don't know that! Yes, R = 0!)
(but of the components of the Riemann tensor Rαβγδ some 24 (out of 256) are non-zero in all those precincts, so, yes, spacetime IS non-flat!
So do keep your pets away from black holes!)
15 ... helps you quickly learn: Special Relativity, General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics!
16 ... has submitted Wandering Towards a Goal to FQXi's latest essay contest
17 ... welcomes Dr. Matthew Collinge as the new Deputy Director, Maryland Space Grant Consortium
18 ... attended the AAS Meeting in Grapevine, Texas from 2017 January 3 (Tuesday) to January 6 (Friday)     bonus: History of ALL AAS Meetings
19 ... has just been (re-) elected to a three-year term (2017 - 2019) on the Board of the National Space Grant Alliance
20 ... on 2016 June 23 was awarded a further $360,000 (by NASA), for even MORE activity by Maryland Space Grant Consortium
21 ... presented Black Hole results at the 2016 June AAS meeting in San Diego
22 ... honors his Great-Great-Grandfather Henry's service in the War of 1812, AND celebrates the discovery of the Higgs boson!
23 ... on 2016 April 4 was awarded $400,000 (by NASA) for further activity by Maryland Space Grant Consortium
24 ... with Jayant Murthy proposes a New Horizons project!
25 ... on 2015 August 4 at the Space Telescope Science Institute, gave a Public Lecture on "Black Holes."
26 ... on 2015 June 10 at the Space Telescope Science Institute, gave a HotSci talk on "Formal Black Hole Features."
27 ... has created an illustration of the famous Delayed Choice Experiment (don't click, just roll your mouse off and on the image and see the change occur)
28 ... is going to humble you, should you choose to click (and hence download) these four PUZZLES. (The first of the four puzzles is easy, but the fourth puzzle is a horse of another color! BUT, BE WARNED: DO NOT GIVE UP, or you will bitterly regret having done so; Henry will have made a fool of you!)
29 ... is, once again, messing around with Black Holes! And check out my work on the Kretschmann Scalar for a Kerr-Newman black hole!
30 ... highly recommends the movie "The Imitation Game," based on the book by Andrew Hodges
31 ... has (with Jayant Murthy, James Overduin, & Joshua Tyler), published (Astrophysical Journal, 798:14, 2015 January 1) "The Mystery of the Cosmic Diffuse Ultraviolet Background Radiation."
32 ... teaches you Einstein's Special Relativity, and next teaches you Einstein's General Relativity.
33 ... here is Arthur Stanley Eddington's great book, "The Nature of the Physical World", including my Introductory Essay.
34 ... has, with Brian Josephson and others, signed "A call for an open, informed study of all aspects of consciousness".
35 ... on 2013 November 4, gave a talk on "Streit Council: Democracy and Human Rights" at the institute for cultural diplomacy.
36 ... on 2013 October 15, was re-elected to the Board of the National Space Grant Alliance.
37 ... tries his hand at fiction: Darby's Dream.
38 ... on 2013 August 24, was notified that NASA is awarding $500,000 to Maryland Space Grant's proposal in response to "Innovative Pilot in STEM Retention!"
39 ... gave a HotSci talk at the Space Telescope Science Institute on 2013 August 21.
40 ... hopes everyone will read Nolan Walborn's recollection of Space Telescope Science Institute history.
41 ... wants everyone to understand GRAVITATION & DARK ENERGY.
42 ... thanks the late Bill Fastie, for taking me to the Moon! In those innocent times, all it took was a 12 page pre-approved proposal to NASA.
Oh, and see the pictures!
43 ... and Professor Jayant Murthy have proposed in response to "New Frontiers in Astronomy & Cosmology".
44 ... in 2012 June attended "UV Astronomy: HST and Beyond" in Hawaii, where he presented "The Ultraviolet Diffuse Cosmic Background".
45 ... on 2012 March 6 introduced Transatlantic Perspectives on Current Financial and Economic Developments at George Mason University.
46 ... invites you to a Maryland Space Grant Consortium Balloon Launch in Hagerstown, MD (the file is 1.08 GB, be warned!) The movie takes six minutes to play, and has a wonderful ending!
47 ... reviews the 1900 novel, "His Wisdom The Defender," by Simon Newcomb.
48 ... attends JWST event at the Science Center in downtown Baltimore: picture shows Senator Mikulski, John Grunsfeld, Adam Riess...
49 ... joins Planetarium consultant Ian McLennan in front of the full-scale James Webb Space Telescope model at Baltimore's inner harbor.
50 ... has finally scanned a 1976 document (a small booklet), prepared by Bland Norris, that helped to sell the Hubble Space Telescope to Congress (I wrote the text material, except that Noel Hinners changed "no one is at the controls" to "only God is at the controls"):
Cover, Benefits, Astronomy, Quote, Practical, etc., Why Now?, etc., Chart 1, Chart 2, Chart 3, Chart 4, Chart 5, Chart 6, Chart 7, Chart 8, Chart 9
51 ... thanks Mike Specian for assembling the 1975 Rowland-Wood Symposium Poster.
(Here is more, if you have a big screen.)
52 ... with Jayant Murthy and Jay Holberg has had accepted "Voyager Observatons of the Diffuse FUV Radiation Field" as an Astrophysical Journal Supplement.
53 ... hosted the Space Shuttle Astronauts.
54 ... hopes to finish this essay.
55 ... celebrates 30 years of the Space Shuttle
56 ...reports Progress in Understanding the Diffuse UV Cosmic Background (preprint), 2012, in Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources, F. Giovannelli & L. Sabau-Graziati (eds.), Mem. SAIt Vol. 83 n. 1 (Large versions of each figure.)
57 ... locates OBL, with a little help from Navy Seals and the Washington Post. [See osama02, osama03, osama04 for the region]. And how did the Seals find him? It seems he's been listed as a resident of Abbottabad since 2010 September 22.
58 ... reprints Albert Einstein's most consequential paper.
59 ... will present "Progress in Understanding the Diffuse UV Cosmic Background," in 2011 May at Frascati Workshop 2011, Vulcano, Italy
60 ... assists a 5th grade scientist with a Dark Matter project (the wonderful image is from http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap060824.html ).
61 ... and Jayant Murthy, are authors of "Diffuse Ultraviolet Halos around Bright Stars," in press, Astrophysical Journal.
62 ... is author of "Union of the West Endgame: A Straw Man Constitutional Amendment," Freedom and Union, Vol IV, No.1, Fall 2010, 23.
63 ... is, with J. Murthy and N. V. Sujatha, author of "Mapping the Diffuse Ultraviolet Sky with the GALAXY EVOLUTION EXPLORER," Astrophysical Journal, 724, 1389, 2010.
64 ... is, with N. V. Sujatha, J. Murthy, R. Suresh, and L. Bianchi, author of "GALEX Observations of Diffuse Ultraviolet Emisson from Draco," Astrophysical Journal, 723, 1549, 2010.
65 ... on 2010 May 4 opened "Currency Without a Country" at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.
66 ... on 2010 April 16 gave the colloquium at the Towson University Dept of Physics, Astronomy, and Geosciences.
67 ... talked on "Measurements of the UV Background with Voyager," at The View from 5 AU.
Here are pictures of Tom Kelsall and John Mather at 5 AU.
68 ... attended today's (2009 Nov 21) Maryland Space Grant Consortium Balloon Launch to the edge of space.
69 ... at the 2010 January AAS meeting in Washington, DC, presented: "The ISM is Aglow in UV Radiation", by Richard Conn Henry, Jayant Murthy, and N. V. Sujatha.
70 ... on 2009 July 30 said goodbye to ... ... his 1993 Acura, at 311,372.4 miles, NOT a clunker, sad to say! One says "a miss is as good as a mile," but in this case, a mile (per gallon) was as good as a miss! The steering got wonky: result, only a $200 trade in! C'est la vie, n'est ce pas?
71 ... celebrates the 40th anniversary of Apollo 11.
72 ... on the 12th hole, today (2009 June 23) hit a hole-in-one on the old course, St. Andrews (well, Himalayas, which abuts the old course - Richard is not a golfer ... and also, Rita won the game).
73 ... is in Scotland for his son Mark Winston Henry's graduation (a 1st in Modern History) at St Andrews, Fife. Mark started as a resident tutor at Fettes, and is now a teacher of History at Fettes.
74 ... gave a talk 2009 June 19 "The UV background: it's not just dust-scattered starlight" at the Department of Astrophysics , Oxford.
75 ... has posted his 2009 Vulcano talk at astro-ph.
76 ... (with colleagues) presented a SETI Poster at the Space Telescope Science Institute.
77 ... notes the REAL scandal of quantum mechanics (American Journal of Physics, 77, 869, 2009 October).
78 ... reviews the book Biocentrism (Journal of Scientific Exploration: in press).
79 ... has written (with help from Lewis Carroll) "Alice in Physics Land," for your enjoyment.
80 ... is, with N. V. Sujatha, Rahul Suresh, Jayant Murthy, and Luciana Bianchi, author of the GALEX Poster at the 2009 Astronomical Society of India meeting in Bangalore.
81 ... is an author of the 2009 SETI White Paper for the National Academy Decadal Survey.
82 ... podcasts on Earth & Sky about SETI.
83 ... attended the 2009 Inauguration of President Barack Hussein Obama.
84 ... is interviewed by Rohit Dasgupta in The Blue Jay Buffet.
85 ... has received an email from a former student saying "I was thinking it over a few days ago and forgot parts of your explanation as to why mass does not increase as you approach the speed of light. If it wouldn't be too much trouble, would you mind explaining it once again?" Why, it is no trouble at all!
86 ... Chaired (on 2008 December 5) the Plenary Session "Technological Imperatives of the Transatlantic Market" at the Dupont Summit: "The New Administration Tackles Science & Technology." Here is the Session Program.
87 ... reports good news about recently-released (Nov 19) Mathematica 7.0
88 ... here is "GALEX Observations of Diffuse UV Radiation at High Spatial Resolution from the Sandage Nebulosity," of "GALEX Observations of Diffuse UV Radiation at High Spatial Resolution from the Sandage Nebulosity," by N. V. Sujatha, Jayant Murthy, Abhay Karnataki, Richard Conn Henry, and Luciana Bianchi, which has now appeared in the Astrophysical Journal.
89 ... says nothing at all about "Quantum Physics Gets 'Spooky'" by Phil Berardelli
90 ... on 2008 August 21 accepted an invition from Peter Overmann, Director of Software Techology for Wolfram Research, to become a beta tester for the next major version of Mathematica.
91 ... has been awarded 32 hours on the Allen Telescope Array to Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. (He is Co-I on the proposal of Steve Kilston, a Senior Fellow at the Henry Foundation.)
92 ... in 2008 June presented a poster on Teaching Special Relativity at the Third International Conference on the Nature and Ontology of Spacetime in Montreal
93 ... presented a poster at AAS St. Louis in 2008 June, "SETI in the Ecliptic Plane" At the invitation of the AAS, Dick participated in a Press Conference on his work.
94 ... is delighted to join Steve Kilston and Seth Shostack at Astrobiology Science Conference 2008
95 ... suggests that "Minkowski trumps Einstein"
96 ... reviews "The God Theory" by Bernard Haisch
97 ... congratulates Glen Fountain (THE GAZETTE, 2007 July 6)
98 ... attended, on 2007 July 3, a Colorado Space Grant balloon launch
99 ... has created an illustration of the famous Delayed Choice Experiment
100 ... in this 50th anniversary year, recalls 1957 October 4, in Toronto, on Bloor Street, learning of Sputnik: little dreaming that I would become a Principal Investigator in the US Lunar Program!
101 ... has had an email from Mathematica indicating that the problem I discovered is FIXED in 6.0
                (I'll check it out when I receive my CD with 6.0 on it....
                ...but maybe someone would like to check it out and let me know?)
2007 July 6: received CD, tried it out: the problem is NOT fixed! I have alerted Mathematica. 2008 July 11, just tried with Mathematica 6.0.3 and the problem is STILL not fixed. Shame!
2008 July 20: light at the end of the tunnel? I hope so!
2008 August 03: Still sounding good!
102 ... trys to help you, in your pondering of the problem of the Cosmological Constant
103 ... on May 28 reports new GALEX results at the AAS meeting in Hawaii
104 ... and colleagues report on Dust Optical Properties in Coalsack (astro-ph 0705.1752)
105 ... and Steve Palmquist take notice of comments and new work by
                Alain Aspect and Anton Zeilinger
106 ... Advocates Universal Use of Universal Time
107 ... attended, in 2007 January, a Conference on Ultimate Reality
108 ... reviews "Quantum Enigma" by Bruce Rosenblum and Fred Kuttner
109 ... takes notice of "Is our Universe natural?" by Sean Carroll
110 ... says "Hurrah for Pluto, the most important Dwarf Planet! And UP with New Horizons,
        FIRST mission EVER to a Dwarf Planet!"
111 ... is now celebrating the current interglacial!
112 ... reviews "Not Even Wrong" and "The Trouble with Physics"
113 ... has become deeply interested in stellar aberration
114 ... reports the first fruits of his GALEX program (with Jayant Murthy, Luciana Bianchi, N. V. Sujatha, and P. Shalima) in the Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics
115 ... thanks the late Charles Schulz for penetrating insight
116 ... has submitted to "The Physics Teacher" a modern paper on relativity
117 ... asks if you can, with no equipment, accurately measure Earth's size in about ten seconds?
118 ... wants you to evaluate:   i i  before you ... CLICK ME to find the answer
119 ... published Planetary Pretzels with Owen Gingerich.
120 ... cannot suppress the embarrassing fact that a Planetary Alignment marks the date of his birth.
121 ... is an American Physical Society Einstein 1905 - 2005 Lecturer
          Mercy High School, Baltimore, MD, 2005 Oct 4
          Avon Grove Charter School, West Grove, PA, 2006 Feb 8
          Millersville University physics seniors, Millersville, PA, 2006 Feb 8
          SUNY/Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY, 2006 Mar 27
122 ... has discovered (and is causing to be corrected) a serious deficiency in Mathematica!
123 ... had a great time in India ! Thank you, Professor Jayant Murthy!
124 ... & colleagues: "FUV Scattering by Dust in Orion" (astro-ph/0601388) in press , MNRAS.
125 ... & colleagues, had a GALEX poster at 2006 January AAS Meeting, Washington, DC.
126 ... & colleagues, is pleased to have had another FUSE Proposal accepted.
Also: who wins time on FUSE ? (Cycles 1-7 merged, and JHU winners in red).
127 ... 's 1993 Acura Legend has gone as far as the Moon. ( Mike Griffin ... eat your heart out ! )
128 ... celebrates Einstein's 1905 anniversary year with E = mc2.
129 ... visited colleagues Jayant Murthy, N. V. Sujatha, and P. Shalima ... in 2006 January. Dick stayed at the Bell Craig Guest house in St Andrews, and the Taj West End Hotel in Bangalore.
130 ... with Luciana Bianchi, Jayant Murthy, and P. Shalima ... is pleased to have again been successful in the GALEX Guest Investigator program.
131 ... with N. V. Sujatha, P. Shalima, and Jayant Murthy ... has published "Dust Properties in the FUV in Ophiuchus," Astrophysical Journal, 633, 257, 2005.
132 ... has made a contribution to this Nature essay series ...
"Physics, complexity and causality," by George F. R. Ellis (1060 accesses)
"Dynamic Universe," by Freeman Dyson (270 accesses)
"The mental Universe," by Richard Conn Henry (27,000 accesses)
"The message of the quantum," by Anton Zeilinger (917 accesses)
133 ... with colleagues Jayant Murthy and David Sahnow, presented a paper on FUSE observations of Orion, at the 2005 January AAS meeting, in San Diego.
134 ... thanks those who directed me to two wonderful art collections
135 ... pays tribute to the greatest physicist who ever lived!
136 has become intrigued by Twistors.
137 wants you to understand Quantum Mechanics.
138 is proud of the Maryland Space Grant Consortium balloon launch of 2004 May 25 by Adeboyejo Oni, Mary Bowden, and Lisa LaCivita, aided by their assistants and students.
139 and his colleagues, P Shalima, Jayant Murthy, and Luciana Bianchi submitted a successful GALEX Guest Observer proposal. Here are : the GALEX team planned observations, shown with the TD1 Catalog stars; and here are: our Southern Voyager observations (red); and here are: our Northern Voyager observations (red), both shown with the GALEX team planned observatons.
140 has become interested in Calendar Reform, and presented a Paper on the CCC&T Calendar at the Atlanta AAS meeting.
141 authored the paper "Studying the diffuse ultraviolet background radiation with tomography," recently published in the journal "Astronomy & Astrophysics" (2003, volume 411, page 313) [movie]
142 ... does rather fear heights, BUT he could not resist climbing: Arecibo!
143 was a speaker (with Michio Kaku and others) at the Symposium on Interstellar Travel and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena: Science Fiction or Science Fact? 2002 November 8, at George Washington University in Washington, DC. Symposium Moderator: Ray Suarez
144 and his colleagues presented two posters, "Voyager Observations of Diffuse Ultraviolet Light Shortward of Lyman Alpha," and "A MIDEX Mission to Spectrally Analyse the Diffuse X-ray and Ultraviolet Background," at the 2002 April AAS-HEAD/APS meeting in Albuquerque, NM
145 has the paper "The Local Interstellar Ultraviolet Radiation Field," in the 2002 May 10 issue of the Astrophysical Journal
146 presented a POSTER at the 2002 January AAS meeting in Washington, DC
147 with Jayant Murthy, Robin Shelton, and Jay Holberg, has published in the Astrophysical Journal (Letters):"Upper Limits on OVI Emission from Voyager Observations"
148 has published in the Astrophysical Journal: "Kretchmann Scalar for a Kerr-Newman Black Hole"
149 is junior author on a paper that is in the 2000 July issue of the American Journal of Physics: "Circular Motion"
150 and his family visited Hawai`i in 1999 June
151 delivered a paper, "Meet the (National Council of) Space Grant Directors," at AAS Meeting #194, Chicago,1999, June 3
152 has papers "Diffuse Background Radiation," Astrophysical Journal Letters, 516, L49 (1999) and "An Analysis of 17 Years of Voyager Observations," Astrophysical Journal, 522, 904 (1999)
153 delivered a talk, "Tour of the Universe," to the '49ers, Johns Hopkins Alumni, on 1999 April  23. Dick was introduced by noted astronomer William Sinton
154 Dick Henry, now well over 80, does have the feeling that the years are going by, faster and faster.....Dick used to ski in Colorado, by the way!
By golly, here's a view of Dick Henry's office in the Bloomberg Center: well, this WAS his office. All those journals have now been trashed!

Dick Henry has been (1997) a Keeley Visiting Fellow at Wadham College, Oxford, where his son, George W. Henry, in 2005 was awarded his M.A. in Biochemistry. George died in 2021, at 38. Dick's younger son, Mark Winston Henry, graduated in 2009 with First Class Honours from St Andrews. The summer of 2007, Mark was an intern at The Streit Council for a Union of Democracies; the summer of 2008, Mark was an intern with the Library of Congress in Washington, DC., and since graduating, Mark has been employed first as a Resident Tutor, and now as a History teacher, at Fettes in Edinburgh.

Dick Henry is a Member, Principal Professional Staff, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.
        You are visitor number:                               

 One spinning Earth is correct.   And one spinning Earth is incorrect!   Which is which?

Ed and Jean Henry, especially for sending me to Ridley for a year so I would get into U of T
Don MacRae, for teaching me FORTRAN
Jack Heard and Sidney van den Bergh, and Martin Schwarzschild (who interviewed me) for getting me into Princeton
Everyone at Princeton, but above all others, George B. Field
Herb Friedman and George R. Carruthers and G. Geiger Fritz
Paul D. Feldman, and every other person at The Johns Hopkins University:
especially Dept Chair George Owen for forcing terrified young me to teach General Relativity.

Do you wish to judge your acumen? Ponder this!

Are you a solipsist?
Of course I'm not 'a' solipsist !

This ASTOUNDING PROOF of the Pythagorean Theorem, is believed to have been discovered by an American schoolboy about 1939.
Maurice Laisnez
Notice that, while the right triangle may be particular, it is obvious that the proof would work for ANY right triangle!
I think this is the BEST proof of ANYTHING, EVER, by ANYONE !
For comparison, Einstein's proof of Pythagoras (as a youngster) was correct, but conventional and opaque (like everyone before him).

Don't be fooled by that image of the so-called "Moon" !

A wonderful image, showing the actual appearance of the Moon on a typical month, as viewed from Earth.
(The apparent wobble comes from the inclination and eccentricity of the Moon's monthly orbit around Earth.)

Oh yes: note the slightly changing apparent size of the Moon:
when it happens to be BIGGEST at "full" moronic newspapers SHOUT "SUPERMOON ".

I LOVE human space travel! I was part of Apollo 17! But, sadly, we must face facts:

Mars is WAY-BELOW-FREEZING cold, has almost no water, and its atmosphere is only ONE PERCENT of ours [ ~ NO oxygen ].
Worse: Mars has NO (general) magnetic field (as we on Earth do ) to protect settlers on Mars from the deadly cosmic rays.
There is NO future on Mars for human beings, dogs, cats, goldfish, cattle .... it's sad .... but it's true.

Mercury and Venus, we humans will NEVER set foot on !

We ARE sending people back to the Moon...
If you enjoy having FILTHY DUST EVERYWHERE, you will LOVE living on the Moon!

a CONCISE reminder as to WHY velocities are less than ONE, which gives us PROOF that the universe is MENTAL

Pi has infinitely many digits ... if you go far enough, you'll find 10,000 5's one after another.

Traditional big number is 'monkeys typing Shakespeare'. But, not vivid enough: how about: "in pi, 12345 repeated 100-billion-times" !

Or, how about this: in Pi,     6174 repeated     (googolplex!)(googolplex!)     times?       .... now, that's BIG!

( Those two !'s are not emphasis, they mean factorial: 5! is: 5 X 4 X 3 X 2 X 1 )

( There are only ~1080 electrons in the visible universe! )

(Here's where we are on the digits of π.    Mind you, 62.8 trillion is only 62,800,000,000,000. Pitifully few!)

Those two "giants", on whose shoulders Newton said he stood, were Tycho Brahe (the observer) and Johannes Kepler (the theorist).
Tycho accurately recorded the precise position of (red dot) MARS, over MANY YEARS. (I love the dance of Mercury and Venus!)
Note added on 2024 feb 27: Watching this over and over again is great: I now follow the dance of Mercury and Venus effortlessly! Terrific!

The period shown is 1582 to 1600, during which Tycho made his critical measurements of the declination of Mars.
(At far right, in the opening moments, do note the marvellous 1583 conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn ! )

In analyzing Tycho's observations, Kepler at first tried an equation that he did not realize was an ellipse (but in polar coordinates).
He found it did not work, but that was only because he had made a slip: a mistake in arithmetic !
So Kepler said to himself, "Let me try an ellipse now".
The rest is history !

Thirty Megabytes: Henry's "The Universe Does Not Exist" Macintosh Keynote.
(This does NOT convert at all well to Powerpoint, please don't waste your time trying!)
The Mach-Zehnder Interferometer!

And here is the same experiment, but for (massive) electrons, instead of zero-mass photons: https://www.nature.com/articles/nature01503

Oh no! Please! Not yet ANOTHER concise boring reminder that human-invented ALGEBRA rules the universe!

The Earth and the Moon: it looks like a painting, but it is real ... where is the Sun?

My Early Life

Albert Einstein discovered everything, but he understood nothing.
I vividly recall waiting for the school bus in Edmonton, and Alex Brown running up: "your hero is dead". I didn't know I HAD a hero.
Nine years later, I was doing my PhD in Einstein's former office at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.
(my PhD advisor Bengt Strömgren's office)

I'm writing at the beginning of 2024: Until a moment ago, I myself did not realize the following.
Henry began his web page, as a conventional Professorial web page. But, like Topsy, it grew!
Today, it is very, very, LONG, and there is NO sign of any limit! NO other web page is like this!
Compare with Sabine Hossenfelder's blog. She has no continuity, just episodes! Herky-jerky!
My way is, accidentally, much better.
(Like Robert Recorde casually inventing the equals sign in 1557.)


[ Oh, but before I go, you may as well UNDERSTAND Quantum Mechanics. Why not? ]

Where do you go, once you've got THAT? Well, here is a friendly guide!

A Movie explaining that Quantum Mechanics is inevitable,
guaranteeing that a deterministic universe is impossible.

Here is the critical frame from the movie.

Our planet Earth is attracted to the Sun ! Earth would fall straight into the Sun, fast,
were it not for Earth's possession of Angular Momentum.
In a Hydrogen atom, the electron is attracted MUCH MORE strongly to its Proton than is Earth to the Sun.
Yet (often) that electron has NO ANGULAR MOMENTUM at all: ZERO!
Now, all neutrons were formed by an electron COMBINING WITH a proton....
So WHY don't Hydrogen atoms all turn into neutrons?
It is because of quantum mechanics and energy conservation. A detail.

The Universe is profoundly different from how even most physicists picture it.
That is because evolution has provided humans with a "what-it-takes-to-survive" user interface.
You can easily discover experimentally, that, on a daily basis, our senses LIE to us! (but in our own interest of course. )

I am agnostic ( but with strong Deist leanings )

I have no interest in ANY religions, but, I do find myself thanking God Every Single Day!

I do NOT know WHAT happens (if anything!) when one dies ... as ... everyone ... will ...

yes ... everyone ...


Henry House OSHAWA
Elder Thomas Henry, "Old J.O.", Edwin Mowat Henry, Edwin Mackie Henry, Dick Henry....


A LONG and DETAILED summing-up !
(I am grateful to whomever looked at this recently, and by doing so, reminded me of its existence.)

Various Mysteries!

President Zelenskyy on TIME

A final ( and, I hope, not too gloomy ! ) perspective on it all ......

You're so stupid you can't even count!

Web Hits unique visitors since 2020 August

On 2023 November 12 Sunday, after attending "Romeo and Juliet" at the Kennedy Center, Rita drove us into the streets of DC, to go home.
JUST so as to get into the lane we would want after turning west on Virginia Avenue, she did not get into the LEFT lane.
Had she done so, we would both be dead (or worse).
For a car turned into our road going the wrong way on our one-way street. It whizzed by us on our left. (Rita leaned hard on the horn ! )
Head-on collisions involve the square of the relative velocity, and hence enormous kinetic energy.

A Map, and a Photograph. Please note the ONE WAY sign!

Hanke-Henry On Time